New Pinalytics Platform Offers Social Monitoring for Pinterest

Pinterest is a social network with an impressive growth rate, and marketers are tapping into its potential, in search of new ways to promote their brands and products. As it happens with all social media marketing channels, the problem of analytics arises, as Pinterest doesn’t offer such measurement options. This type of data is however vital to marketers and the brands they represent and now, with the help of new social monitoring service Pinalytics, they can access different statistics.

Pinalytics is a social monitoring platform designed to track, manage and analyze your pins and boards and find new pinners to connect and share content with, according to the official description. It was created by Forward3D, part of the Forward Internet Group.

Analytics provided by this tool cover a wide range of aspects. You can search pins or boards for specific keywords and see matching pins, and you can also search for people bykeywords of interest to you. From the results returned you’ll be able to get to a pinner’s page, to get to a specific pin of interest to you, or to see the original source of a pin. The platform offers some metrics for pins – number of repins, likes and comments.

An interesting option is that the analytics platform offers details on how a given piece of content has done outside of Pinterest, on other networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Digg, Facebook, etc.

As real estate executive Elie Hirschfeld noted, “66% of Pinterest users are ages 35 and older, and the majority of this network’s users are female. Other studies showed that Pinterest drives sales. Of course, Pinterest isn’t perfect for any business, or, more accurately said, there are some fields fitter for a presence on this social network. These areas include home goods, apparel and accessories.”

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