Connect Transit Seeks Lobbying Firm

Connect Transit Seeks Lobbying Firm

Connect Transit Seeks Lobbying Firm

Connect Transit is seeking proposals from a lobbying company. Connect Transit is responsible for the provision of public transit service within Bloomington-Normal, and is funded with federal, state and local monies, as well as operating revenue. The Connect Transit was created pursuant to the Illinois Downstate Transportation Act of 1969. Connect Transit currently operates thirteen (13) bus routes and 13 demand response buses and has approximately forty (49) buses in its fleet.

Scope of Work:

Connect Transit is seeking to secure services of a qualified firm that can provide necessary representation in regards to the following:

Services Required:

  • Report to and work closely with the General Manager to identify and anticipate legislative issues which impact public transportation.
  • Meet as needed with Connect Transit to provide advice on prioritizing legislative goals.
  • Personally meet with appropriate legislators and legislative staff members to advocate Connect Transit’s positions and to increase the awareness of and support for public transportation, and maximize opportunities to advance Connect Transit’s agenda.
  • Represent Connect Transit by responding to questions/concerns of legislators and regulators on public transit issues both during and after legislative session. This includes preparation and presentation of Connect Transit positions.
  • Provide regular reports to Connect Transit General Manager.

Executive Branch Liaison:

  • Advise and assist the Client in developing and maintain relations with Illinois Department of Transportation.
  • Advise and assist the Client in developing and maintaining relations with the secondary Executive Branch departments.
  • Advise and assist the Client in maintaining relations with Illinois General Assembly members to advance and protect the interests of the Client.

Additional responsibilities may include:

  • Grant writing & Review
  • Coordination with key stakeholders
  • Participation in and monitoring industry organizations such as IPTA (Illinois Public Transportation Association).
  • Developing relationships with key state business and economic development alliances.
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key strategic non-governmental organizations, including non-profits.
  • Participation in the development of the client’s annual state agenda and strategic planning process.

Due Date:

May 19th, 2018




351 Wylie Drive

Normal IL, 61761

Burson-Marsteller and APCO Worldwide have lobbying operations.

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