Category: Consumer PR

Valley Health Plan

Promoting Wellness Brands

As another end to a stressful year is approaching, and the world is still trying to navigate the impact of the global pandemic and its constant shifts in consumer behavior and values, one of...

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Increasing Sales with Digital Marketing

One of the most effective ways to reach a target audience is through digital marketing, which allows businesses to drive traffic to the company’s website, close sales, and generate high-quality leads. To create a...

Samsung Takes Risk Hoping for High Reward

It’s no secret to consumers that the price points for smartphones and other mobile devices are climbing rapidly. People complained, but millions still went out and bought the latest and greatest handsets, even as...

This Bud’s Not for Boston 0

This Bud’s Not for Boston

Even after the Supreme Court essentially legalized gay marriage nationwide, gay rights remains a hot button and contentious political issue. Some companies, like Starbucks and Chick Fil A, have come out strongly on one...

The Future of Processed Foods 0

The Future of Processed Foods

Processed foods globally should see a year-over-year growth of about 1.6% moving from the 2016 value of $4.6 trillion to $4.675 trillion in 2017. Though from one type of food to another growth patterns...