Del Norte Local Transportation Commission Issues Social Media RFP

Del Norte Local Transportation Commission Issues Social Media RFP

Del Norte Local Transportation Commission Issues Social Media RFP

To provide easy access to public information for regional transportation planning, to increase public awareness on issues of significance through social media outlets and to enhance the public’s ability to comment on transportation services and infrastructure.


The Region:

The region served by the Del Norte Local Transportation Commission, the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Del Norte County exists totally within the boundaries of Del Norte County. Del Norte County is California’s northernmost coastal county, with a land area of approximately 1,070 square miles. The County is bounded by Curry County, Oregon, to the north, mountainous Siskiyou County to the east, Humboldt County to the south, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. Crescent City, the county seat, is located roughly halfway between Portland, Oregon (330 miles north) and San Francisco, California, (350 miles south). Regionally, Crescent City is located approximately 85 miles north of Eureka, Humboldt County, about 26 miles south of Brookings, Oregon and 83 miles west of Grants Pass, Oregon and Interstate 5.

The Elk Valley Rancheria, Smith River Rancheria and Yurok Tribe are federally recognized Tribes that are active and essential partners and stakeholders in transportation planning and programming in the Del Norte region.


The California Department of Finance estimated the Del Norte County population at 24,888 as of 2016. This includes a population of 20,441 within the unincorporated area of the County and 4,447 within the City of Crescent City. The population is stable or very slightly declining.

Organization and Management:

The Del Norte Local Transportation Commission (DNLTC) is the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for the Del Norte County region. The DNLTC consists of six members—three members representing the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors and three members representing the City of Crescent City. With the addition of a representative of the Caltrans District 1 Director, the DNLTC | Website, Crowdsourcing and Social Media Services DNLTC Board becomes the Policy Advisory. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) advises the DNLTC on various transportation matters. The TAC is comprised of two representatives from the Planning and Public Works staff of the City and the County, and one representative from the Harbor District, Yurok Tribe, California Highway Patrol, Redwood Coast Transit Authority, and Caltrans.

Previous work:

The DNLTC website,, currently offers the community a single point of communication for regional transportation planning and programming information. Requests for proposals, agendas and minutes are also stored on the site. DNLTC is moderately involved in social networking and has an active crowd sourcing tool for all transportation topics developed by a local team and Commonplace.

Scope of Work:

The Del Norte Local Transportation Commission is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to provide website, crowdsourcing and social media maintenance services:

  1. Post information and articles on relevant transportation issues to website;
  2. Post Requests for Proposals;
  3. Post agendas and minutes;
  4. Maintain a moderate level of social media presence;
  5. Maintain and enhance crowdsourcing by Commonplace.

Proposing consultants must present their own approach that delivers the preceding items.

Establishing methodologies, tasks and schedules are the obligation of the consultant.

Due Date:

June 5th


Tamera Leighton, Executive Director

Del Norte Local Transportation Commission

900 Northcrest Drive, PMB #16

Crescent City, California 95531

Zeno Group and Edelman PR are strong West Coast PR firms.

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