Media RFP Issued By City of Portland, Oregon

Media RFP Issued By City of Portland, Oregon

Proposals Due: September 30th, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time


Xylia Guzman Torres, Senior Procurement Specialist

Procurement Services



This Request for Proposals (RFP) document is a request for sealed competitive proposals under Portland City Code Chapter 5.33.210. The City of Portland is seeking proposals from qualified proposers with demonstrated experience in creating culturally appropriate high quality media collateral, such as print, video, and/or graphic design. Defined terms in this RFP are listed in the attached sample contract.

The City of Portland, Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) through the Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization (RDPO) is seeking proposals for on-call mixed media professional services; including but not limited to media collateral such as advertising services, print, graphic design, and videography. These as-needed services are referred to as “price agreements for on-call services,” and generally include work with short deadlines, scopes that may need to be developed quickly, and/or requiring expertise currently unavailable in-house. Task Orders will be issued to successful Proposer(s) under these price agreements for on-call services as individual project needs are identified.

Contracts resulting from this RFP will be cooperative agreements. Contractor will be required to extend an option to purchase any service covered under the contract at the same prices, and terms and conditions to all regional public agencies. Each participating agency will execute its own contract with Contractor for its requirements.

2. Background

The Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization (RDPO) has a need for services to communicate

emergency preparedness messages and instruction to the public and stakeholders via a variety of

methods, including print and video. These communications are often driven from community feedback we receive. The City intends to award up to a total of six (6) price agreements for on-call services in the service categories listed below. The City may, but is not obligated to, award up to 6 price agreements total or 2 per category as indicated. The City reserves the right to adjust the amount of Price Agreements and Agreement amount awarded to each service category and successful Proposer(s), as necessary. Regardless of the quantity of price agreements awarded from this solicitation, total aggregate value will not exceed $900,000.00.

Successful Proposers may be called upon to provide consulting services and/or undertake fixed/term projects. The services requested under these price agreements will be small to medium in scope.

Projects may range from a few hundred dollars up to $75,000 subject to specific needs and budget

availability in any given year.

The City may award multiple price agreements per service category, and the number of price

agreements awarded in each service category shall be at the sole discretion of the City. To be awarded a price agreement, Proposers must receive scores that place them in the top scoring for that specific service category. Proposers who submit proposals for multiple service categories may be awarded a price agreement in multiple service categories. A Proposer wishing to be considered for price agreements in multiple service categories must indicate in their proposal which service categories for which they wish to be considered.

3. Business Challenge

The RDPO, in their efforts to increase emergency and disaster preparedness in the region, has a need for Graphic Design, Videography and Advertising services to support their mission. One of the challenges the RDPO faces in this work is reaching priority communities in a meaningful and authentic way. This requires culturally appropriate content and strategic use of mediums and locations to reach the desired populations. The RDPO Equity Framework will be used to guide the work. Often, the RDPO will need this work done on a short timeline due to grant deadlines.

5. Work Overview

The intent of this procurement is to contract with qualified professionals in the fields of graphic design, videography and advertising. Preference is to proposers with a background/experience in developing culturally appropriate materials related to emergency management. Services expected to be requested include graphic design work for collateral to be distributed to community members and stakeholders, video creation and production, and advertising. Some project management services may be needed depending on the project. All work products will prioritize access, equity, and trauma-informed messaging.

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