Montana Fishburne: A Bad Road to Hollywood Celebrity

Montana Fishburne

Montana Fishburne

Maybe the saddest Hollywood scoop we have seen in some time involves actor Laurence Fishburne’s daughter Montana. According to any number of tabloids the 19 year old seems to think making a sex tape is the best way to celebrity. Apparently Montana wants to follow in the footsteps of Kim Kardashian, to springboard herself into the limelight. So far there is no word from Montana’s esteemed dad.

The reports say the Montana has already signed an agreement with Vivid Entertainment, the same company that released Kardashian’s highly publicized sex tape. TMZ quoted Montana as having said; “I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape.”

Kardashian’s home sex movie made all the headlines for all the wrong reasons, and now it looks like Montana Fishburne thinks two wrongs will equal another right, at least as far as notoriety is concerned. The really sad thing here is, she is probably right, except for the kind of notoriety she will glean. Already every scum media outlet in California has begun placing Montana with porn stars, basically in the gutter of the film industry. This is so sad.

Emmy and Academy Award winner and multiple nominee Laurence Fishburne must be floored by this latest revelation, if the stories are true. Fishburne, of Matrix fame (among the many others) is one of Hollywood’s most respected talents. It seems crazy that Montana would take such a track, her father could help build a much more viable and rewarding career with a bit part here and there. It just goes to show, role models can be important – even sometimes devastating. I for one hope this is not true.

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