Nevada Wants A Digital Media Agency To Be Seen As Digital Media Gurus

Nevada County Economic Resource Council


The Nevada County Economic Resource Council (NCERC) is looking to hire a digital media and social media company for a variety of assignments, including to refresh both the and web sites.  The NCERC is looking to enable Nevada County to become a front-runner and establish market leadership in the digital media arena. The NCERC’s vision is to position the Sierra Digital Media Campus as one of the top 5 Digital Media industry clusters worldwide (and also to position it among local stakeholder groups – media, government, business, workforce, nonprofits, and the community itself) as a pillar of economic vibrancy that all can “rally around.”

As Nevada grows as a digital media center, the NCERC looks to provide a variety of economic development related services.

Its goals are:

  1. To facilitate the economic development of Nevada County through business development, marketing and integrated tourism initiatives that result in Nevada County being recognized as one of the most economically competitive and culturally diverse rural counties by
  2. To grow Nevada County’s “economic pie” by focusing on initiatives that bring new dollars into the area by assisting local companies who sell products statewide, nationally or globally; or through marketing efforts which bring new technology oriented businesses or talent to locate in Nevada County; or through attracting visitors to the area who spend their dollars in Nevada County while
  3. To strengthen Nevada County’s brand awareness outside of the region among a combination of audiences: visitors, tech talent (both experienced and entry level), media, technology companies (particularly those that are part of the Digital Media industry eco-system.

This is a three part assignment – to design and update the website, to maintain and measure its impact, and to collaborate digital media efforts.

Proposals are due by January 15, 2016. The full RFP may be reviewed here.

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