New Jersey Turnpike Issues RFP For New Website Vendor

New Jersey Turnpike

New Jersey Turnpike

The New Jersey Turnpike Authority seeks a series of new websites and has issued an RFP.

Primary users for their sites are:  

  1. Patrons – These users visit site to gather information regarding current traffic conditions (either by posted messages or viewing cameras), construction events, lane closures and toll rates.
  2. Travelers – These users visit the site to gather information relative to their travel plans, such as tolls and construction updates, or to make inquiries/comments to the Authority.
  3. Potential Business Partners – The Authority contracts with multiple private firms for various projects and services. Potential partners visit the site for information about the Authority and to see if there are any new contracts or bids available.
  4. Financial Investors – These are persons or companies looking to invest capital into the Authority, checking of financial information such as monthly summaries, annual reports and bond information.
  5. E-ZPass Users – These individuals consist of out-of-state travelers checking on toll rates and individuals interested in obtaining an E-ZPass account.
  6. Employment Seekers – Individuals interested in Authority jobs that may be posted on the websites.

Other visitors include news media, local-government entities within the Authority’s service area, State and county officials, Authority employees and local residents.

Inquiries should be directed to Andrea E. Ward – email at Proposals are due by December 22, 2015.

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