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The Contractor will provide professional, strategic marketing, branding, communications, and media-placement services to assist the MWC in developing and implementing campaign/s that will address priority goals as stated above. Activities include marketing research, coordination, planning, writing, graphic design, photography, video production, radio and television public service announcement and advertising production, social and digital media planning and purchasing, and management of the existing website. Writing, graphic design, and production are for all media types: web, email, social media, video, print, radio and digital advertising.


In Public Act 246 of 2013, the Legislature created the MWC effective as of March 27, 2014. The MWC oversees the expenditures from the Michigan Wildlife Management Public Education Fund, which is derived by a $1 surcharge on all Michigan hunting base licenses and fishing licenses. The nine members of the MWC are appointed by the Governor and subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

Public Act 246 mandates that the MWC: Develop and implement, in conjunction with a third-party marketing or advertising agency, a comprehensive media-based public information program to promote the essential role that sportsmen and sportswomen play in furthering wildlife conservation and to educate the general public about hunting, fishing, and the taking of game. That education shall include, but is not limited to, teaching that hunting, fishing, and the taking of game are any of the following: (i) Necessary for the conservation, preservation, and management of this state’s natural resources. (ii) A valued and integral part of the cultural heritage of this state and should forever be preserved. (iii) An important part of this state’s economy. (iv) A primary source of funding for the conservation, preservation and management of this state’s natural resources.

In Michigan, approximately 7% – 10% of the state’s population hunt and/or fish. A similar percentage opposes these activities in varying degrees. It is the purpose of this RFP to secure the services of a Contractor that will develop, implement and manage a media-based public information program (the “Campaign”) to educate and influence the balance of the state’s population, approximately 80%, and achieve the following objectives:

  1. Provide an understanding of public opinion, perception, and interest in hunting, fishing and trapping, and the use of our state’s natural resources.
  2. Increase public awareness and understanding of:
  3. the myriad ways hunter/angler dollars, directly and indirectly, benefit both game and nongame wildlife species and their respective habitats for the enjoyment of all citizens of and visitors to the state of Michigan.
  4. the significant contribution hunting, fishing, and trapping represent to the state’s economic health on a local, regional and statewide basis through both direct and indirect commerce and employment related to these activities.
  5. the intangible contributions hunting and fishing traditions make to the quality of life for families and communities, and how they sustain the natural resource heritage which is an indelible part of Michigan’s history.
  6. how the management, conservation, and protection of our state’s natural resources are funded.
  7. Increase the non-hunting/fishing public’s understanding of the benefits and privileges associated with hunting, fishing and trapping.

Scope of Work:

The Contractor will provide professional, strategic marketing, branding, communications, and media-placement services to assist the MWC in developing and implementing campaign/s that will address priority goals as stated above.

Activities include marketing research, coordination, planning, writing, graphic design, photography, video production, radio and television public service announcement and advertising production, social and digital media planning and purchasing, and management of the existing website. Writing, graphic design and production are for all media types: web, email, social media, video, print, radio and digital advertising.

The work will involve meeting with MWC to review current research and campaign/s and make research-based strategic recommendations to achieve goals and outcomes. It will also include developing and implementing marketing plans to reach priority goals, using a variety of media appropriate for the audience and within budget. It would also involve communications coordination and media support for special projects.

The Contractor will work in conjunction with MWC and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Due Date:



Agencies to consider include Ruder Finn & Finn Partners.

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