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Buchanan PR: Philadelphia PR Agency

Buchanan PR is a full-service public relations firm with a global reach. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the PR firm’s client roster includes leading nonprofits as well as large corporations. Founded by Anne A. Buchanan in 1998, the firm specializes in social media, media relations, and crisis communications.

With exceptional expertise in financial services, insurance, consumer goods, and professional service industries, Buchanan PR remains dedicated to learning about each client’s brand and adopting strategies which create success.

Recent Events

1. Hiring Renee Cree as Vice President 

In January 2020, Renee Cree joined Buchman PR’s senior management team which is responsible for developing and implementing the firm’s strategy and several marketing teams.

Prior to her placement, Cree held the position of an associate director (news and media relations) at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Here, she was tasked with developing and implementing effective communication plans for different audiences.

Buchanan, President of Buchanan PR, highlighted that Cree’s unmatched knowledge in healthcare, journalism skills, and leadership experience would add significant value to the PR firms team.

2. Hiring Maria Lynn as Assistant Account Executive

In October 2019, Maria Lynn joined Buchman PR as an assistant account executive. In the new role, Lynn will provide social media, traditional media relations, and digital support to the agency’s clients. At the same time, Lynn will play a supplementary role in the firm’s graphic design and photography departments.

Prior to appointment as Assistant Account Executive, Lynn held the Marketing and Communications Coordinator position at Conner Strong & Buckelew. In her previous post, Lynn was responsible for the development and implementation of surefire marketing strategies, driving engagement on social media, and improving the firm’s reputation and brand awareness. These skills bring a wealth of benefits and experience to Buchman PR’s team.

3: Buchanan PR Attending the 7th Annual Social Media Marketing World

Assistant account executives Lauren Force and Katie Byrne attended the prestigious Social Media Marketing World, the leading social media conference in the world at the San Diego Convention Center.

Key takeaways from the conferences include the importance, and ever-increasing value, of videos in increasing engagement, and the importance of knowing where a preferred audience spends their time online and the content they consume. The takeaways are important in helping Buchanan PR develop effective marketing strategies for its clients. Particularly, understanding the value of videos that highlight the human side of organizations will play a significant role in increasing the PR firm’s competitive edge.

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