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City and County of San Francisco Request for Proposals for State Lobbying Services Mayor’s Office of Legislative and Government Affairs

City of San Francisco Issues Marketing and Advertising RFP

Proposal due: July 7, 2023


The Scope of Work is to be used as a general guide and is not intended to be a complete list of all work necessary to complete the project.

As noted above, key issue areas affecting San Francisco include the state budget, homelessness, economic development, health care, public safety, human services, housing, environment, transportation, education, and community development.

The following are work tasks assumed necessary to provide State legislative representation to the City. Proposing teams may suggest a modified scope as part of their proposal.

1. Work with the Mayor’s Office to develop and advocate on the City’s State legislative priorities, including developing legislation for the City to sponsor, identifying authors for such legislation, developing and executing legislative strategies and advocating for adoption of legislation and budget priorities.

2. Work in support of designated City and County of San Francisco staff person, based in Sacramento, should the Mayor’s Office choose to locate a staffer at the Capitol.

3. Track relevant legislation and inform the Mayor’s Office of hearings, meetings and any changes to the legislation.

4. Analyze State legislation and proposed regulatory changes that may impact the City and work with the Mayor’s Office and City departments to advocate the City’s positions, as appropriate.

5. Lobby for the City’s position on legislative and regulatory matters of interest, through direct contact with:

a. State legislators and staff

b. Gubernatorial staff

c. State agencies

d. State labor organizations

e. Relevant regional and statewide associations

6. Proactively and frequently notify Mayor’s Office and relevant City departments of state grant opportunities and availability of state resources, and help the City apply and advocate to receive these grants and resources.

7. Draft letters and talking points on legislative, budgetary, and regulatory issues as necessary.

8. Testify on behalf of the City at hearings before legislative and regulatory committees.

9. Regularly report to the Mayor’s Office via written memorandum, email, and phone on key state issues affecting the City.

10. Maintain strong working relationships with members of the California State Legislature, and specifically, San Francisco’s delegation, and their staff, as well as members of leadership in the Legislature, State agencies, and State commissions.

11. Organize trips by the Mayor and staff to Sacramento, including scheduling meetings and preparing briefing materials.

12. Schedule and participate in phone calls with California State Legislature members, their staff, and City staff to discuss and advocate on bills of interest.

13. Participate in monthly State Legislative Committee meetings and update City staff on state issues.

14. Travel to San Francisco, as necessary, for State advocacy-related meetings and/or hearings.

15. Advise Mayor’s Office staff of existing and newly acquired clients, and, work in good faith to implement steps to address potential conflicts of interest in a timely and transparent manner.–State%20Lobbyist_0.pdf
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