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university of missouri

Subject: Creative Media Relations and Communications Marketing Services

Closing Date: Proposals must be received no later than 1:30 p.m. on October 10, 2023.


Jefferson City, MO (population 43,143 with a service area of approximately 75,000) is centrally

located between Missouri’s top three metropolitan areas: Kansas City (west), St. Louis (east),

and Springfield (south). Jefferson City is approximately 37 square miles. Jefferson City contains

1,400 acres of City parkland, owned and maintained by the City of Jefferson Department of

Parks, Recreation and Forestry (JC Parks). Its inventory includes 10 major parks and eight

neighborhood parks; two pools; an 18-hole golf course; an indoor ice arena; a wellness and

recreation center; and a 2,500-capacity outdoor amphitheater. The greenway trail system spans

over 16 miles throughout the city.

Visit the following sites for more background:

• City of Jefferson Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry

• CRMU Amphitheater at Riverside Park

Similar services were bid out five years ago and the contract was awarded to High 5 Communications.

The Jefferson City Police Department consists of a diverse group of professionals from a variety

of backgrounds and experiences. From our police officers to our civilian positions, we offer

rewarding career paths that ensure public safety and community engagement. The Jefferson City

Police Department is very robust consisting of 132 employees (90 sworn and 42 civilians). The

Department has three divisions:

1. Operations Division

2. Special Services Division

3. Support Services Division


The City’s objective is to have a contractor to manage/execute integrated media strategies

including branding, creative concepting, production, planning, outreach programs, digital

strategies, and constituent analysis and research. Additionally, expertise in public information

and media relation outreach initiatives is required to aid in message development and public and

media outreach efforts as well as crisis public relations management. On an as needed basis, the

selected firm may also be required to aid the JCParks nonprofit organization, Jefferson City

Parks & Recreation Foundation.


The City (JCParks) is seeking a full-service, creative, media relations and communications

services agency to aid in focusing, growing and evolving the JCPark’s brand and increasing

overall knowledge of the JCPark’s mission, projects, and services.

The City (JC Police Department) is seeking creative public media relations and communications

services agency to aid in recruitment of police staff.

In addition to specific work for the JCParks and JC Police Department, the City is seeking to

obtain billable rates for staff and services outside the monthly retainer scope of work for projects

that may arise that are outside of this RFP for use by any City of Jefferson department.

The awarded firm(s) shall possess a proven track record consisting of using innovative

approaches to providing goods and services that represent the best value to their clients. The

awarded firm(s) shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services and

should be able to provide innovative methods to deal with challenges and cost-effective


A. Contractor qualifications:

The Contractor (and Contractor’s team) will possess the following qualities:

1. Five (5) years’ experience providing similar products or services of equal

complexity and magnitude.

2. Three (3) references from entities for which the respondent provided the products

or services, of equal complexity and magnitude requested.

3. The Contractor (and Contractor’s team) will possess expertise in:

• Project management;

• Graphic Design;

• Public Relations;

• Word Press; and

• Other skills normally needed for this type of project.

B. Contractor shall be responsible for:

The contractor will provide all equipment, material, and staff to complete all projects.

1. JCParks

a. Increase constituents’ positive impression/perception of JCParks;

b. Increase constituents aided and unaided awareness of JCParks;

c. Increase constituents’ positive impression/perception of JCParks;

d. Deliver targeted impressions;

e. Increase online engagement – “online engagement” is defined as all web/social actions taken by the public. It includes social media interaction such as likes of posts, shares, reactions, video plays and comments on Facebook, Twitter, or any additional social media platforms; and

f. Items listed in the Statement of Work.

2. JC Police Department

a. Develop marketing strategies to aid in recruitment activities for both

entry-level positions as well as promotional positions for both officers and Communication Operators;

b. Increase online engagement through Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media outlets;

c. Conduct photography and video shoots;

d. Develop pre-roll ads, radio ads, and streaming radio ads;

e. Increase number of qualified applicants; and

d. Develop marketing ads.

B. City Responsibilities

The City shall:

1. Meet with the contractor on a regular basis for the purpose of carrying out the initiatives;

2. Work closely with the contractor to perform all related tasks required by the City to fulfill the purposes of the contract;

3. Provide final approval for all expenditures that are prepared and executed by the contractor;

4. Give the contractor access to contact media on behalf of the City; and

5. Give the contractor access to the City’s social media platforms to complete the scope of work provided in the contract.


Due to the wide range of communications and outreach programs, contractors may subcontract

subject matter experts for some of these services. These services may be adjusted throughout the

term of the contract and based on various strategies including but not limited to marketing trends,

branding, creative direction, individual initiatives, digital and online strategies, revenue

partnerships, and more. Contractors must demonstrate the ability to strategically plan, integrate,

manage, and execute an assortment of communications projects and/or subcontractors as needed

or required.

The contractor shall ensure compliance to the City’s technical and security standards. When

providing solutions and services to the City, the contractor shall give special attention to

compatibility of all proposed technical solutions with the City’s existing technology.

Implementation of technical solutions (to include websites, databases, and other marketing

systems) shall be coordinated with the City’s technical staff.

A. Monthly Base Services (JCParks)

1. Provide creative services related to the concepting, design and execution of the

existing branding for JCParks including, but not limited to, branding and outreach

promotional programs targeting the citizens of Jefferson City, MO and various

other selected targets that can help accomplish the JCPark’s mission.

2. Develop creative content for websites, digital desktop and mobile platforms,

email, social media, television, radio, magazine, newspaper, out-of-home, sweepstakes and promotions, cooperative promotional programs, and other forms of outreach designed for all the JCPark’s target audiences. This includes website maintenance as well as assistance with WordPress, troubleshooting, template design, etc.

3. Production responsibilities also include, but are not limited to:

a. Trafficking of digital files/materials to media outlets;

b. Providing digital files/disks of finished material to the JCParks including PDF files, JPGs, raw files, etc., created in programs designated by JCParks; and

c. Preparing promotional materials for presentation purposes (mounting,

scanning, etc.).

4. Supply resources and support in the development of collateral material to help ensure materials continue to reflect and align with the JCPark’s brand image.

5. Provide graphic design services.

6. Provide planning and implementation of media plans that are the most efficient and effective in reaching the defined target audiences, to include all traditional media vehicles (TV, Radio, Print, etc.) and non-traditional such as various digital, video streaming, social channels, and new upcoming vehicles.

7. Negotiate and contract with advertising media and others, for and in connection with the JCPark’s outreach promotions, at advantageous rates in the commercial advertising market.

8. Additional emphasis should be placed on obtaining added value elements to any media buy including additional space/time, online components, and promotional programs.

9. Consult with the JCParks for online and website outreach strategy, including, but not limited to, web development, search engine optimization, and search engine marketing (display, mobile, and social media).

10. Be the principal advisor and provide interpretation of web analytics and digital results.

11. Consult with the JCParks for digital marketing and must be knowledgeable and experienced with new technology trends, partners, and platforms.

12. Coordinate with JCPark’s staff to develop a crisis management plan for a situation, regardless of the nature of the crisis. This plan will include but not be limited to, the contractor to respond to the crisis with public outreach after getting approval from JCPark’s staff.


13. Provide public information and communications services, advice, and counsel on an as-needed basis.

14. Generate reports on a regular basis and as needed to provide proof of media efforts, communications, and results, including value-added.

15. Larger-scale branding campaigns outside the monthly retainer scope may be requested to promote to broad demographic target segments, communicating messages that are consistent with JCParks’ vision and mission.

a. An anti-littering campaign is needed to educate and encourage Jefferson City citizens and visitors to become more aware of their surroundings and take pride in helping keep Jefferson City clean. Campaign planning and implementation are expected to take place in year one of the contract with a

separate cost proposal. Once established, campaign maintenance will be absorbed into the subsequent years’ monthly retainer fee. This anti-littering campaign shall consist of, but not be limited to, creative concept, media planning, campaign implementation with the media, market research, graphic design, website creation, website audits, and regular reporting.

B. Jefferson City Police Department

1. Develop marketing strategies to aid in recruitment activities for both entry-level positions as well as promotional positions for both police officers and communication operators.

2. Provide planning and implementation of media plans that are the most efficient and effective in reaching the defined target audiences, to include all traditional media vehicles (TV, Radio, Print, etc.) and non-traditional such as various digital, video streaming, social channels, and new upcoming vehicles.

3. Increase online engagement through landing pages on the website, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media outlets that will target select audiences.

4. Prepare Digital Channels by setting up Facebook Job Advertising Accounts, LinkedIn Job Advertising Accounts, and Email Marketing Platforms.

5. Prepare asset creation to include radio promotions and streaming radio promotions-roll advertising, still photography and video shoots. Photography and video shoots should capture the daily life of a police officer and communications officer. Video production shall consist of 30 second and 15 second spots. Radio promotion shall consist of 420 spots over 3 months and rotate all hours.

6. Generate reports on a regular basis and as needed to provide proof of media efforts, communications, and results, including value-added.


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