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Communications RFP Issued By UNDP to Develop Communication

In July 2020, The UN in partnership with the Government of Maldives successfully secured financial resources from the Joint SDG Fund to strengthen the core governance system of planning and financing and to improve targeting and mobilizing of financing towards long term development priorities. Through joint implementation by the Government and the UN, the Joint Program (JP) short titled “Operationalizing Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) in the Maldives” (July 2020-June 2022) aims to prioritize financing for climate action and quality social services that accelerate achievement of the 2030 Agenda and assist the country to build back better.

This Joint Programme contributes to the operationalizing of an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) process in the Maldives and mobilize and improve the targeting of financing towards two long term development priorities; climate action and reforms required to  deliver quality, equitable, gender responsive and sustainable social services. The JP seeks to accelerate achievement of SDGs by enabling additional financial resources and by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of current resources by effectively aligning to development priorities. The JP will steer broader institutional reforms related to the governance and architecture offinancing. This is expected to contribute to (i) building cross-government coordination to achieve greater coherence across public and private financing policies (ii) ensuring their alignment with sustainable development  priorities and (iii) monitoring the impact of financing  policies and reforms including the differentiated impact on women and men.

The JP strategy brings together four important and new elements to the Maldives development financing agenda:

Bring climate action and gender responsive and equity-based approach to public investments in the social sectors to the forefront of the INFF agenda in the Maldives.

Address a key aspect offinancing i.ethe architecture and governance offinancing by identifying the key gaps in institutional reforms that are needed to consolidate a holistic and integrated approach to financing.

Facilitate the recognition and role of the private sector and civil society in delivering national development and SDGs by strengthening existing platforms to enable regular and effective dialogue between the government and domestic and international private sector.

Apply a human capital development and capacity building lens to all proposed costing exercises and investment need identification that mobilizes resources for skill development and continuity of the initiatives introduced.

To provide strategic communication and uniformed messaging among all project partners during the project implementation, UN Maldives is seeking services of a local consulting firm to develop the communication materials.

Scope of Work:

Under the guidance of the Communications Officer in the UN Resident Coordinator Office, the Consultancy Team will design the communication materials to advocate for the project, aswell as build awareness among various target groups. The materials will need to be developed in English, Dhivehi and at least 3 foreign languages (Tamil, Singhala and Bengali). All materials developed should be designed for disability inclusion. Branding guidelines by the Joint SDG Fund needs to be followed in production of all materials under this consultancy. The consultancy firm will have a briefing meeting with UNResident Coordinator Offices’ (RCO) Team and Project working group to understand the scope of the work and design the products. Specifically, the Team would need to produce the following:

•      1 x Introductory video clip about the project with a special focus on climate change, social protection services

o   Duration of the clip should be minimum 2 minutes and maximum 3 minutes.

o   Develop teaser video (30 seconds) based on the actual video

o   Video should be a mobile-first video optimized for various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, lnstagram) as well as for use in our website and other online


o   Interview selected participants for the video. The firm will perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews

o   Finalise technical details such as quality and scope of the video clip

o   Should     be    comprehensible     by    a   wide                 and   varied                      audience.                 Include illustrations/animation where required.

o   Develop the video clips overall concept and scenario

o   Develop the scripts and storyboards to be used in the video

o   Produce final video spot after presenting to, and having drafts approved by RCO

o   Present the complete video, and hand over 2 master copies to RCO

o   Raw video footages should be handed over to RCO

o   Video should convey respect for human dignity and rights, even when they portray difficult issues such as conflict and poverty. Videographers should ensure that the

individuals in their videos know that their footage is being taken and agree to it. Extra care must be taken of identifiable individuals doing something illegal or violent, aswell aschildren/minors and people living with HIV/AIDS.

•      4 x quarterly E-Newsletter of the Joint SDG Fund implementation; detailing progress to be published & disseminated to partners.

o   Provide minimum 3 concepts of E-Newsletter design for approval. The designs will need to adhere to the branding guidelines provided by the Joint SDG Fund.

o   Content for the newsletter will be developed by the Firm in consultation with RCO, on a quarterly basis. The concept for each newsletter needs to be presented and approved by the RCO team prior to development.

o   Revise and submit final layouts as discussed with RCO

o   Advise on related materials (photographs, information for illustrations and graphics etc.) as may be needed for layout and design purposes

o   Design and layout the materials according to the agreed mock-up

o   Submit the final work to RCO for review (incorporating various revisions)

o   Coordinate with RCO on proofs to ensure quality of the end-result

o   Submit the final versions for RCO approval

o   Submit digital versions to RCO where appropriate, with all supporting files

o   Work with andobtain approval of RCO to ensure that the final product meets the graphic standards specifications adhered to by UN and are of high quality

o    Advice RCO on optimization for online uploads, where needed.

o   Should be in easy-to-read format, and accessible for all on on line platforms

•      10 x awareness  illustrations/GIFs on SDG targets to which the Joint Programme will contribute

o   Content will be developed by the firm in discussion with UNRCO

o   Submit preliminary layouts for discussion with RCO

o   Revise and submit final layouts asdiscussed with RCO

o   Advise on related materials (photographs, information for illustrations and graphics etc.) as may be needed for layout and design purposes

o   Design and layout the materials according to the agreed mock-up

o   Submit the final work to RCO for review (incorporating various revisions)

o   Coordinate with RCO on proofs to ensure quality of the end-result

o   Submit the final versions for RCO approval

o   Submit digital versions to RCO where appropriate, with all supporting files

o   Work with and obtain approval of RCO to ensure that the final product meets the graphic standards specifications adhered to by UN and are of high quality

o    Advice RCO on optimization for online uploads, where needed.

o   Should be in easy-to-read format, and accessible for all on online platforms

•      4 x illustrations/posters (with 4 audio clips on the same content) on the 4 main areas of the Strategic Action Plan the Project contributes to including resilient communities, accountable state, health and social protection.

o   Content will be developed by the firm in discussion with UNRCO

o   Submit preliminary layouts for discussion with RCO

o   Revise and submit final layouts asdiscussed with RCO

o   Advise on related materials (photographs, information for illustrations and graphics etc.) as may be needed for layout and design purposes

o   Design and layout the materials according to the agreed mock-up

o   Submit the final work to RCO for review (incorporating various revisions)

o   Coordinate with RCO on proofs to ensure quality of the end-result

o   Submit the final versions for RCO approval

o   Submit digital versions to RCO where appropriate, with all supporting files

o   Work with and obtain approval of RCO to ensure that the final product meets the graphic standards specifications adhered to by UN and are of high quality

o    Advice RCO on optimization for online uploads, where needed.

o   Should be in easy-to-read format, and accessible for all on on line platforms

•      4 x illustrated videos and audio clips detailing how the financial strategies work.

o   Content will be developed by the firm in discussion with UNRCO

o   Submit preliminary layouts for discussion with RCO

o   Revise and submit final layouts as discussed with RCO

o   Advise on related materials (photographs, information for illustrations and graphics etc.) as may be needed for layout and design purposes

o   Design and layout the materials according to the agreed mock-up

o   Submit the final work to RCO for review (incorporating various revisions)

o   Coordinate with RCO on proofs to ensure quality of the end-result

o   Submit the final versions for RCO approval

o   Submit digital versions to RCO where appropriate, with all supporting files

o   Work with and obtain approval of RCO to ensure that the final product meets the graphic standards specifications adhered to by UN and are of high quality

o    Advice RCO on optimization for online uploads, where needed.

o   Should     be    comprehensible     by    a   wide                 and   varied                      audience.                 Include illustrations/animation where required.

Copyright of all materials produced during the consultancy, shall become the property of UN Maldives upon delivery of the products.

Outputs and Deliverables

To achieve the scope of work of the consultancy the firm is responsible for the following deliverables.

1.     Introductory video clip about Maldives with a special focus on climate change, social protection services

2.     Development of quarterly newsletters

3.     Developing illustrations and GIFs on SDG targets and alignment of long-term development plans to the Global Goals

4.     Short video and audio clip on the main themes identified

5.     Video and audio clips to explain the financial strategies


Institutional Arrangement

The team is expected to work under the guidance of the Communication Officer at UNRCO. A briefing meeting will be arranged within 3 days upon awarding the contract. The reporting timelines will beagreed during the meeting. A team leader should be identified to correspond with UNRCO and to provide updates on progress.


Duration of the Work

This assignment will take approximately 180 working days between March 2021 to 31 December 2021. The consultancy team should develop a proposal with aclear timeline for each deliverable as stipulated above. Delay in submitting the deliverables will impact on the completion of work and release of payment.

Due Date:

Thursday, 11th March 2021 or before 15:00hrs local time


Relevant agencies to consider include Zeno Group and Finn Partners.

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