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San Diego Issues Marketing RFP



The San Diego County Probation Department is seeking a qualified, full-service advertising and public relations media agency to develop a comprehensive recruiting campaign and produce the elements necessary to promote and market jobs at the Probation Department. The purposes of the campaign are to increase awareness of Probation Department jobs among community members, and to retain and attract quality employees. The campaign shall include a data collection and assessment component to measure the impact of the recruiting campaign. Deliverables will be informed by the results of the assessment and may include but are not limited to community assessment data; development of outreach; tagline development; messaging points; digital, print, and social media; email signature blocks; PowerPoint decks; vehicle decals, and other elements considered part of a successful recruiting campaign.

Elements of the campaign shall be translated to Spanish and other target audience languages where needed. The campaign shall be easy for Probation staff to manage and maintain once launched, and elements must be compatible with existing County technology, policies and guidelines.

As this is not a comprehensive list of all awareness campaign possibilities, Probation is open to and eager to learn of the other elements that may be included in a successful awareness campaign, informed by data collection and assessment and subject to Contracting Officer Representative (COR) approval. Probation seeks one contractor that can provide all services. The offeror may choose to partner or subcontract with other vendors to provide the full complement of services.


The County of San Diego Probation Department is a highly skilled team committed to protecting public safety by coaching clients to restore their lives, families and the communities they live in. There are more than one thousand San Diegans serving our neighbors by providing services to clients, while balancing support and accountability. The Probation Department is committed to valuing diversity and practicing inclusion as our diverse workforce is our greatest asset. We promote awareness of the Customer Service Initiative which enhances our efforts to deliver the County of San Diego’s mission of providing exceptional customer service to all clients, and our vision of treating every customer with HEART – Helpfulness, Expertise, Attentiveness, Respect, and Timeliness.


3.1. Goals: Contractor shall provide the services described herein to accomplish the following goals:

3.1.1. Establish a baseline of the Probation Department’s current promotional and outreach efforts and evaluate the current level of the Probation Department’s services awareness among stakeholders, customers, and the public.

3.1.2. Develop a recruiting campaign and use existing material or rework existing elements to recruit new employees for the Probation Department. Through effective marketing and public relations tactics, increase awareness of the Probation Department’s mission to protect public safety by coaching adult and youth clients and what a great place it is to work there.

3.1.3. Retain and attract quality employees to the Probation Department, and to improve ways that Probation communicates.

3.1.4. Establish baseline and increase retention and recruitment of quality employees.

3.1.5. Improve Probation Department communication with stakeholders regarding its services guided by datadriven outreach and education.


Contract: ###### Page 32 of 44 EXHIBIT A – STATEMENT OF WORK

3.2. The outcome measures, based on a before and after assessment, of the campaign will include:

3.2.1. Document resources already available for use in future campaigns.

3.2.2. Produce marketing and recruiting campaign with the background from the Probation Department outlined in this SOW.

3.2.3. Implement marketing and recruiting campaign within the demographic parameters outlined in this SOW.

3.2.4. Document increased participation/engagement among targeted audiences by measuring social media and web analytics against the baseline, including a 0.20% CTR (click through rate) on social posts and designated key service website pages.

3.2.5. New job applicants and current employees will indicate awareness and recognition of the Probation Department through various media such as radio, print media and videos.


4.1. Target Population: Contractor shall provide the services described herein to Probation, with the following target population for recruitment candidates:

4.1.1. Consumers

4.1.2. San Diego County residents and visitors

4.1.3. Indigenous and historically underserved communities

4.1.4. Internal County customers and staff

4.1.5. Recently retired or honorably discharged military personnel

4.1.6. Personnel from other law enforcement agencies

4.1.7. College/University students with a focus on Professional Studies and Human Development/Behavior majors/curriculum

4.2. Geographical/Regional Service Area(s) for Recruitment: California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico, and other states as agreed upon by Contractor and COR.


Contractor shall conduct a before-and after- analysis of the Probation Department’s clients, staff, and community members to ascertain any changes in perception, opinion, visibility, and impression of the Probation Department as a


Contractor shall provide the guidance, materials, planning and any other deliverables necessary to ensure the Probation Department is able to independently manage outreach/recruiting efforts and utilize the products of the awareness campaign in an effective and long-term manner.


7.1. All communications made during standard business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00PM, from the County shall be returned within one (1) hour of initial County contact.

7.2. Contractor shall have a main point of contact for ordering services, billing, and logistics that is available to the County during standard business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5PM.

7.3. Contractor shall have an understanding of government policies, Probation Department characteristics, County initiatives, and applicable target market demographics to assist Probation on this campaign.

7.4. Contractor shall develop, implement, and disseminate multimedia as needed for this campaign, that will align with Probation goals and initiatives, Probation’s brand, and the County’s style guide for County communications.

7.5. Coordination between Contractor and Probation:

7.5.1. Contractor shall coordinate with the Probation Representative to conceptualize a campaign and help to define campaign goals, marketing strategies, deliverables, and objectives.

7.5.2. Contractor shall conduct market research in support of this campaign as needed to develop and implement this campaign, and as requested by the Probation Representative.

7.5.3. Contractor shall create and submit a proof of concept and draft content for all aspects of this campaign, documenting the scope and materials needed to the Probation Representative for review, with the Probation Representative having final approval prior to implementation.

7.5.4. Contractor shall schedule a meeting with the Probation Representative when requested to discuss objectives, proposed plans, outcomes, and more as it relates to this campaign.

7.5.5. Probation encourages the Contractor to identify opportunities to reduce total costs and recommend continuous improvement efforts consisting of various marketing ideas to enhance business efficiencies by assessing its media advertising and marketing activities, public relations strategies and its purchase of advertising and marketing opportunities.

7.5.6. Contractor shall coordinate with the Probation Representative (the Departmental Communications Officer designated by COR) on the development and distribution plan of promotional materials, announcements, letters, posters, banners, and advertisements (ads) as it relates to this campaign.

7.5.7. Contractor shall coordinate with Probation staff to plan, design, develop, implement, disseminate, manage and evaluate multimedia products, services, and projects/campaigns to achieve the goals and objectives of this campaign as stated in Statement of Work Section 3.

7.5.8. Contractor shall coordinate with the Probation Representative to provide County staff with deliverables on multimedia aspects of this campaign within the timeframe designated by the Probation


7.6. Contractor shall provide multimedia services in various forms of multimedia such as text, audio, image, video, and interactive content and will be requested for all different media outlets including but not limited to print, internet/web, social media, and broadcast.

7.7. Contractor shall develop overall media/public outreach strategies on campaign topics, and report on results.

7.8. Contractor shall be committed to SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) goals to ensure objectives are met and results achieved.

7.9. Printing of materials, i.e., brochures, flyers, newsletters, etc., shall be done through Contractor, unless otherwise specified.

7.10. Contractor shall develop, create, and produce as needed culturally and linguistically appropriate media messages in commonly used languages in the target population markets (Section 4 of Statement of Work – Target Population and Geographic Area) for dissemination to the media. Note the five (5) most commonly used non-English languages in the County of San Diego are: Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

7.11. Task Order Process

7.11.1. Approval. Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Probation Representative prior to

implementation of or modification to any and all aspects of the media plan, product or service described


7.11.2. Order Form. Contractor shall implement an order form to monitor and track Probation media service

requests. Probation shall submit a task order for services to Contractor, including description of work

scope, total cost (either firm price or not-to-exceed estimate), and timeframe or due date for

performance/completion. Upon request for services by Probation, Contractor shall provide COR or

designee a response to the task order within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the Probation’s request.

Probation will review the response and determine at its sole discretion whether to authorize Contractor

to perform the task.

7.11.3. Acceptance. Upon completion of work performance in task order, Contractor shall send COR or

designee a task order completion form with proof of the deliverable cited in task order and final price.

Probation shall respond with either acceptance or rejection. If Contractor did not perform work

according to the task order, then Contractor shall remedy by completing the task at no additional cost to

Probation (within the price cited in task order). Then Contractor shall submit an invoice per Statement

of Work Section 10.


8.1. Project Management

8.1.1. Contractor shall provide Project Management, which includes business and administrative planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and approving actions designed to accomplish overall program objectives from conceptualization to fulfillment.

8.1.2. Contractor Project Manager shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and delivery of services and shall be accessible to the Probation Representative or Public Safety Group Office Representative by telephone and by email during standard business hours, Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM.

8.1.3. Contractor shall coordinate with Probation Representative regarding any personnel change in the Project Manager position. Changes to this position must be approved by the Probation Representative in writing prior to implementing the change.

8.2. Media Purchasing and Placement

8.2.1. Contractor shall broker airtime and negotiate media purchases, sponsor segments, and ad space for Probation communication materials using its experience and past high volume buying power to leverage the best deal for Probation as a nonprofit, governmental agency.

8.2.2. Contractor shall determine the most effective advertising outlets and channels (programming, locations, digital channels, etc.) based on its expertise and on County provided information regarding the target markets.

8.2.3. Contractor shall broker airtime with all major San Diego channels/stations including but not limited to:

Televisa- XHUAA 57, XEWT12, Entravision/Univision, Cox, The CW, Fox 5, KUSI, ABC 10, NBC 7, CBS 8, and Telemundo, and others in markets specified in Section 4 of Statement of Work – Target Population and Geographic Area.

8.2.4. Contractor shall monitor media purchases to verify correct messages and placements. Contractor shall  correct discrepancies as soon as administratively possible and report all discrepancies to the Probation Representative and the COR.

8.2.5. Contractor shall provide a pre-buy report to the Probation Representative for each campaign. All proposed purchases and ad placements shall be reviewed and approved in advance with the Probation Representative.

8.2.6. Contractor shall utilize strategic communications when deploying campaign messages to the markets identified in Section 4 of Statement of Work – Target Population and Geographic Area.

8.3. Development of Multimedia Ads and Public Service Announcements

8.3.1. Contractor shall collaborate with the Probation Representative and other stakeholders as approved by COR, to determine and achieve the goals, objectives, and implementation of this campaign.

8.3.2. Contractor shall create multimedia ads and public service announcements to inform the target population of information pursuant to this campaign’s goals and objectives.

8.3.3. Contractor shall create media messages that may include but are not limited to: Print and alternative advertising. Examples may include but are not limited to: fact sheets, newsletters, brochures, posters, billboards, and movie theater ads. Enduring written materials. Examples may include but are not limited to: tip sheets, newsletters, brochures, direct mail, refrigerator magnets, and other collateral materials. Printing of materials shall be done by the Contractor, unless otherwise specified. Radio, Television and video production. Examples may include but are not limited to: videos, television and radio public service announcements on TV, cable TV, streaming TV services, streaming radio services, interstitials and commercials. Social Media. Examples may include but are not limited to: email, video streaming and use of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media tools as they arise.

8.4. Public Relations

8.4.1. Contractor shall: Draft media plans to include press releases, pitches, and media alerts. Write media advisories, news releases, speaking points or other materials. Create, implement, and market public announcements. Consult, plan, and conduct outreach activities for public education. Arrange news conferences/interviews as deemed necessary by the Probation Representative and notify the Public Safety Group Office at least one (1) business day prior to any such media events/appearances. Develop, manage, and implement public relations strategies to relevant audiences in Section 4 of Statement of Work – Target Population and Geographic Area. Attend additional meetings, outreach workshops or other special events as needed to support media engagement.

8.5. Graphic Design

8.5.1. Contractor shall provide graphic design and creative support from concept to completion for this campaign.

8.5.2. Contractor shall use existing designs and conceptualize new designs for this campaign for the purposes of but not limited to, print and digital outreach materials, promotional pieces, advertisements, interactive graphics, brochure development, fact sheets, infographics, large and small format posters  and any other collateral material.

8.5.3. Only Contractor staff experienced in operating computer, multimedia design and graphic software shall work on Probation graphic design.

8.5.4. Contractor shall create hard copy drawings, mock-ups, sketches and prototypes with Probation, providing all text for collateral materials.

8.5.5. The Public Safety Group Office Representative shall have the right to review all mock-ups, sketches and prototypes, with the Probation Representative having final approval over all text, content, graphics, layout and related artwork.

8.6. Web Design

8.6.1. Contractor shall create and implement web design and marketing per the Probation Representative request.

8.6.2. Only certified Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Contractor staff shall work on County web design and implementation projects/campaigns.

8.6.3. Contractor shall provide a proof of concept for the Probation Representative to review and approve prior to implementation of web design and marketing.

8.6.4. All final deliverables shall be provided in digital format to the Probation Representative.

8.7. Video Creation

8.7.1. Contractor shall provide all equipment, materials, editing software, etc. needed for design, recording, editing and production of this campaign.

8.7.2. Contractor shall coordinate with Probation Representatives to develop concept, conduct video-shoots, and edit playback.

8.7.3. Contractor shall have the capacity to livestream specific County events or messages as deemed necessary by Probation.

8.7.4. Contractor shall work with the Probation Representative to review raw cuts, develop sequence of video clips, and identify gaps in footage for additional filming.

8.7.5. Contractor shall prepare on site location for filming. Preparations may include but are not limited to scouting the location prior to filming, altering the physical location, and adapting the filming approach to ensure minimal disruption to film participants.

8.7.6. DVD production of final digital file in multiple formats, edited version shall be provided to the Probation Representative. Contractor shall ensure that all edited copies are of professional grade and quality with attention to detail on all video, graphic, and sound elements.

8.8. Performance Management

8.8.1. Contractor shall provide metrics and analytics for all projects completed within this contract.

8.8.2. Contractor shall coordinate with the Probation Representative to create an evaluation plan whereupon metrics, reporting mechanisms, and reporting frequency will be agreed upon prior to the start of each aspect of this campaign.

8.8.3. Contractor shall conduct on-going evaluations to measure the effectiveness of the work products and services, providing adjustment, revision, and updates as required by the Probation Representative.

8.8.4. Contractor shall assess the success of each marketing and outreach effort at mid-campaign and at the first appropriate time for each new or modified aspect of this campaign as agreed upon prior to the start of the campaign. Based on the assessment, Contractor and initiating Department shall determine whether the campaign is successful or needs to be modified, and then Contractor shall modify campaign accordingly to improve its effectiveness. At the end of each aspect of the campaign, Contractor shall assess the impact of the campaign aspect’s reach and influence, specifically measuring the awareness of the different target markets and ethnic groups reached.

8.8.5. Contractor shall submit a final report with a summary documenting the results upon completion of any multimedia aspect of this campaign, and a comprehensive report for overall campaign results.

Depending on the medium, reports shall include the following: Detailed performance audits, ratings data, discrepancy reports, and statistical summary data Analytics for online activity Updates on the media exposure value-to-date Project/timelines accomplished Partner involvement

8.8.6. Contractor shall comply with all ad hoc reporting request from COR or designee.

8.9. Disaster Response

8.9.1. Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) with an organizational chart identifying key administrative personnel and their after-hours phone numbers, and cell phone numbers to be used in the event of a regional emergency or local disaster. These numbers will be held confidential and never given out to other than authorized personnel. Contractor shall report any organizational structure changes to the County and provide an updated organizational chart within seventy-two (72) hours of any change.

8.9.2. In the event that Contractor’s site is closed due to disaster or emergency, Contractor shall call the County and inform them of the closure.

8.10. Implementation Plan

8.10.1. Contractor shall provide an action plan for program implementation within ten (10) days of contract execution.

8.10.2. Contractor shall maintain a Gantt Chart (or a similar type of chart), with start dates and completion dates for all the actions leading up to a fully functioning program. The chart should show actions required, strategies employed, responsibilities (persons, organizations, agencies), dependencies (actions which must be completed before subsequent actions may be initiated or completed), and milestones (significant actions and dates in the implementation) with dates in days and weeks beginning with Contractor receiving notice of award of the contract.

8.10.3. The Implementation Plan shall describe how recruitment efforts will be expanded to fill program positions and the estimated timeline for achieving full staffing, prior to contract start.

8.10.4. The Implementation Plan shall describe the estimated timeline for inventory of equipment and procurement of new equipment/supplies.

8.10.5. The Implementation Plan shall describe the estimate timeline for developing policies, procedures, and protocols for each service.

8.11. Coordination and Collaboration: Contractor shall coordinate and collaborate with departments and agencies in San Diego County and members of community agencies to provide a continuum of services.

8.12. Services may include various forms of multimedia such as text, audio, graphics, video, and interactive content and will be requested for all different media outlets including but not limited to print, internet/web, social media, radio, and broadcast.

8.13. Data and Media Materials

8.13.1. All original media materials including data files, source files, original artwork, USB flash drives, portable hard drives, disks, CD ROMS, tapes, and other deliverables developed under this agreement are the sole property of the County and will be provided to the County upon request or upon termination of contract.

8.13.2. Contractor shall provide all original media materials including data files, source files, original artwork, USB flash dries, portable hard drives, disks, CD ROMS, tapes, and other deliverables upon request from the County. Where possible, electronic versions of media products shall be provided. Electronic  file duplication masters shall meet County specifications for reproduction. Specifications will be provided by County.

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