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Eastern Iowa Airport Issues Creative RFP

The Cedar Rapids Airport Commission, operator of the Eastern Iowa Airport, is seeking a creative service agency to provide marketing materials for various mediums, including print, television, and digital\online advertising, as well as billboards, videos, or other emerging platforms on a time and material basis. Interested firms shall submit one (1) electronic copy of its proposal in pdf format and one (1) hard copy in a sealed envelope marked “Request for Qualifications for Creative Services” by 2:00 p.m. (CST) on Friday, February 28, 2025.


The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) is a regional facility that serves more than one million passengers annually. The primary market is based in Linn and Johnson counties. The true airport market encompasses a much larger geographic area including the areas north into Black Hawk County, west into Benton and Tama counties, north/northeast to Dubuque County, south/southeast to Washington County, and western Illinois.

Five airlines serve the Eastern Iowa Airport: Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, and United Airlines.. Presently, there nonstop flights to 18 destinations and more than 400 one-stop connections. The nonstop destinations are: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Denver, Minneapolis, Las Vegas, Orlando Sanford, Orlando International, Phoenix-Mesa, Punta Gorda/Ft. Myers, Phoenix Sky Harbor Washington DC, and seasonal service to Los Angeles, Sarasota, Miami and Nashville.

Airports compete for passengers and airline service on a nationwide basis. CID is seeking to work with a creative agency that can make the Eastern Iowa Airport stand out from our competitors.


The selected agency will work on a per-project or campaign basis on a time and material basis.


Qualifications should address, but not be limited to, at least the following:

1. General description of firm: size, age, and location.

2. Recent experience in advertising comparable to the proposed project.

3. Key personnel’s professional background and caliber.

4. Outline your processes for concept, design, proofing, and project management.

5. Qualifications and experience of outside consultants regularly engaged by the agency under consideration.

6. Familiarity with and proximity to proposed project work, including the location of the nearest “full service” office assigned to the project.

7. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of references associated with previous projects.

8. Provide samples of: a. Collateral Materials: Writing, Creative, Design b. Advertising: Radio/TV, Print Image ads and/or product ads, Billboard, Digital\Online, Social Media

9. Schedule of the firm’s rates and charges applicable to this project.

Due Date: Friday, February 28, 2025 – 2 PM CST

Contact: Pam Hinman

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