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Harris Poll EquiTrend Names Honda “Brand of the Year”

Honda motorcars

The Harris Poll EquiTrend® study has recognized Honda as “Brand of the Year” in the “Full Line Automotive” category. The distinction was determined by the Harris Poll EquiTrend study of annual brand health in which, Honda received the highest numerical Equity Score relative to all other brands.

Surveying 38,529 U.S. consumers online, ages 15 and over, the study examined brand perceptions through opinions on familiarity, quality and purchase consideration. Mike Accavitti, vice president of National Marketing Operations for American Honda states: “This study offers strong evidence that the Honda brand continues to be well-regarded by American consumers.

The combination of strong brand equity and a fresh line-up of new models that resonate with customers will drive strong growth for us this year.”

And while in 2 Honda is the brand of the year, they still harbor misgivings towards PR conglomerate Fleishman Hillard who they fired in 1998 after they committed what the LA Times described as a “unbecoming, underhanded act.”  The agency “had made a bid for the account of the American Automobile Manufacturers Assn., a Washington, D.C.-based trade organization that represents domestic auto makers.”

Today, Honda is represented on the digital and PR side by MSL Group, Havas Sports & Entertainment  and others. On the advertising and buying side, agencies include Starcom Mediavest Group, Wieden & Kennedy and Digitas as well as others.

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