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Marketing RFP Issued By Department of Public Safety

Department of Public Safety

DPS is seeking qualified Respondents to establish and promote a statewide safe gun storage campaign.


DPS is responsible for protecting and serving the citizens of Texas and currently manages and participates in a full range of public education, outreach, and public involvement activities to engage Texans. During the 86th Legislative Session, the Texas legislature appropriated to DPS $500,000 in Fiscal Year 2020 and $500,000 in Fiscal Year 2021 to establish and promote a statewide safe gun storage campaign. The public awareness campaign must begin no later than September 1, 2020. The public awareness campaign may include online materials, printed materials, public service announcements, or other advertising media. The public awareness campaign may not convey a message that it is unlawful under state law to keep or store a firearm that is loaded or that is readily accessible for self-defense.

Scope of Work:

Contractor must provide a Strategic Marketing Plan for the statewide safe gun storage campaign, which also includes market research metrics, setting forth the particulars of the services to be provided by Respondent during the contract term. DPS must review and approve all final campaigns. At a minimum, Respondent’s Strategic Marketing Plan must include Social Media Services and may include any of the following.

Respondent’s Strategic Marketing Plan must outline the campaigns with the maximum outreach. Respondent must support the campaign using research information provided by:

A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Exhibit G.9;

B. Texas Department of State Health Services, Exhibit G.8; and

C. Other supported and validated research data approved by DPS.

Respondent’s Strategic Marketing Plan must outline the campaigns with the maximum outreach. Respondent must support the campaign using research information provided by:

A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Exhibit G.9;

B. Texas Department of State Health Services, Exhibit G.8; and

C. Other supported and validated research data approved by DPS.

C. a plan for PSAs which specifies the ratio of paid spots to PSAs; \

D. a list of all added value opportunities for each station; and

E. a list of websites, if spot is to be streamed online, at no additional charge.

As part of the Radio Campaign Services, Respondent should use all reasonable efforts, including promotional items, to inform the public about the campaign (Added Value). Added Value services are a required element and should be outlined in Respondent’s proposal and any Strategic Marketing Plan as described in this RFP. Added Value can be used at the discretion of DPS within the period of the fiscal year in which any campaign occurs. Added Value for any radio campaign is a live or prerecorded interview with radio talent. If for some reason Added Value cannot be obtained other Added Value opportunities must include at least one of the following:

A. announcer attention or call-outs;

B. additional spots; or

C. booths at sponsored events. Respondent must specifically describe in its proposal Added Value opportunities and the monetary value for the services.

C.2.3 Online Advertising Services:

A. the web address for site and demographics;

B. a description of the type of online advertisement provided by each relevant news media outlets, trade, or popular websites;

C. the duration of each online advertisement provided by each radio station or other relevant media outlet; and

D. the number of impressions. DPS reserves the right in its sole discretion to approve the text of the advertisement, the placement of the advertisement, the websites on which the advertisement is displayed, and the budget. No later than 24 hours after receipt of DPS’s written notice to Respondent, Respondent must remove, or cause to be removed, the DPS advertisement from the websites.

DPS must provide Respondent the URL to DPS’s webpage address for the statewide safe storage program.

Respondent must include a tracking report at the end of each week of the campaign that provides analytics reflecting how the following campaign goals where achieved:

(1) number of users who clicked through DPS’s website;

(2) obtain a high reach and frequency online;

(3) report how long users are staying on DPS’s website;

(4) report the bounce rate;

(5) report how long users stay on website;

(6) reach only Texas IP addresses;

(7) number of impressions for each ad;

(8) what size ad is most effective; and

(9) referring websites.

Respondent must not invoice and DPS will not pay for any Online Advertising Services by any participating website that deviates from the DPS-approved Strategic Marketing Plan.

4 Marketing Products and Materials:

A. provide samples or drafts of each promotional item; and

B. propose recommended strategies, target demographics, estimated budgets, and timelines for each promotional item.

Marketing Products and Materials should include photography services, press and public relations services, video and film production services, and art and graphic design services.

A. Photography services includes services for advertisements or illustrations that will appear in articles, newsletters, or similar modes of communication. Such services may be black and white, color, or digital photography, and could include aerial photography, still photography or studio photography, with photo editing or high-resolution scans as appropriate.

B. Press and public relations services include providing customized media relations services, such as the development of media messages and strategies, and the recommendations of media sources for placement of campaigns. The development of media materials could include background materials, press releases, media alerts, speeches, and presentations for DPS use, and DPS press kits. These services should also include the execution of media programs, such as press conferences, distribution of press materials, and scheduling broadcasts and print interviews.

C. Video and film production services should include services that inform the public of the campaign, including writing, directing, shooting, arranging for talent, narration, music, and sound effects, duplications, distribution, video scoring, and editing.

D. Art and graphic design services should include the development and production of logos; ads for print, broadcast, and online services; outreach or event marketing materials; direct mail materials; email blasts; point of purchase materials; signage, including billboards; web pages; and other similar art and graphic designs.

Due Date:

April 6


Department of Public Safety (DPS)

Procurement and Contract Services

5805 North Lamar, Bldg. A, MSC-0266

Austin, Texas 78752

Attention: 405-20-R0033282

Magrino PR and M Booth are agencies worth considering. 


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