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Marketing RFP Issued By Michigan State Police (MSP)

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for Marketing and Advertising Services for the Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP), a sub-division of the Michigan State Police (MSP). OHSP is responsible for implementing behaviorally based programs to reduce traffic-related death and injuries. MSP-OHSP primarily focuses on increasing the State’s seat belt use rate and reducing impaired driving (i.e. alcohol and drug) incidents. These programs are funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). NHTSA provides law enforcement agencies with federal traffic safety funds to put additional officers on the road during select National Enforcement Periods, that typically during holidays.

Scope of Work:

The Contractor must provide Marketing, Advertising, and Creative Services, paid media planning and placement, earned media/public relations counsel, and development of web and social media-based strategies, and technical assistance and support to OHSP. Services must include the following: 

· Refresh existing ads – if applicable

· Developing new ad campaigns

· Plan, execute and evaluate paid advertising

· Create advertising materials

Please Note: The Contractor may be required to assist and develop advertising and communications materials for other traffic safety areas, marketing efforts, and assist OHSP with other priority issues requiring communications support. The Program Area may add or remove additional Statements of Work (SOWs)/Campaigns as needs arise. Current Projects:

A. Project Summary: May: Safety belt enforcement mobilization/Click it or Ticket (Fiscal Year (FY) 2021) Estimated Budget: $800,000 Target Audience: Men 18 – 34, Message: Click It or Ticket, with an emphasis on safety belt enforcement. Other: Campaigns are typically used for 2-3 years. At the beginning of each fiscal year, OHSP allocates funding for paid advertising. The paid advertising budget has been approximately $750,000 – $1,000,000 for a 2-week period in May in the State’s major media markets. When OHSP determines new campaigns are needed, the office will establish funding levels for focus groups or other similar research, and development of assets, including TV, pre-roll, radio, and web. Additional information can be found at: Traffic Safety Marketing – Click-it-or-Ticket 

B. Project Summary: July & August: Drunk driving crackdowns/Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (FY 2021) Estimated Budget:July $200,000 and August: $750,000 Target Audience: Men 21 – 34, risk takers or blue-collar individuals. Message: August’s campaign is organized by the NHTSA and focuses on combining high-visibility enforcement with heightened public awareness. Michigan is a non-checkpoint state, the state faces a challenge to make enforcement efforts visible to motorists.

Other: A typical advertising budget is approximately $750,000 – $1,000,000 for a three-week period in August in the State’s major media markets. The July advertising budget generally ranges from about $200,000 to $250,000.. When OHSP determined new campaigns are needed, the office will establish funding levels for focus groups or other similar research, and development of assets, including TV, pre-roll, radio, and web. Additional information can be found at: Traffic Safety Marking – Drive Sober

C. Other/Various traffic safety issues (FY 2021) 

Estimated Budget: The OHSP is also involved in other traffic safety issues including, but not limited to, enforcement of underage drinking laws, motorcyclist safety, mature drivers, teen drivers, bicycle, winter driving, distance driving car seats and booster seats and pedestrian safety. Current OHSP videos/ad and public service announcements can be viewed at: YouTube – OHSP Estimated Fiscal Year 2021 Funding Summary:

A. May – Safety Belt $800,000 

B. July Drunk Driving $200,000 

C. August Drunk Driving $750,000 

D. Other/Various $3.2 million 

Estimated Total: $5 million 

1.1. Media – Concepts, Materials & Production

A. All creative concepts, materials and production must be copyright fee, including non-rights managed visual materials, that will be used in any form for State Advertising Campaign/projects, and must ensure a fully buyout/unrestricted use of talent in all Michigan media for a minimum of 4-years. The Contractor is responsible for all negotiations of talent rights.

B. The Contractor must direct and coordinate all TV and radio production and review. When possible video & audio production, filming and recording must take place within 60-minutes of Lansing, Michigan.

· Production responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:

o Scouting Locations 

o Casting 

o Shooting 

o Editing 

o Recording 

o Music 

o Special effects 

o Post-Production 

The Contractor must deliver both rough cuts and finished sports to the State for final approval at a mutually agreed upon time between the state and the Contractor. Please Note: The Contractor must review budgets, casting, music, and special effects with that State for approval from the State’s applicable Program Manager prior to production and media placement.

C. The Contractor is responsible for producing and duplicating media materials, on an as needed basis, in a variety of digital formats as required to meet Michigan Broadcasting specifications for TV and radio stations. Advertising must include, Beta, Digital Beta, WMV files, mov files, mp3files, etc.

D. The Contractor is responsible for producing internal project deliverables to support current TV and radio messages, including repurposed TV-ads, banner ads, rich media ads, splash pages, social media ads, search engine optimization, etc.

E. The Contractor is responsible for producing additional project deliverables including, but not limited to:

· Billboards 

· Poster 

· Banners 

· Flyers 

· E-mail Marketing 

· In-game ads 

· Social Media Graphics

· Repurposed TV-ads

· Arrange projection of custom merchandise and/or giveaway items to support message goals

· Bidder must acknowledge acceptance to 1.1E and describe how this requirement will be met. Please describe experience related to additional project deliverables, providing any supplemental information as a separately labeled attachment.

1.2 Media Plan Development 

A. The Contractor is responsible for developing media plans for all State Advertising projects, plans must outline at a minimum:

· Media Budget

· Target Audience

· Flight Dates

· Geography/Media market(s)

· Advertising Units/Vehicles (TV, cable, radio, outdoor, print, digital etc.)

· Media Weight/Gross Point (GRP) levels and expenditures for each medium in each market

· Project Outcomes

o Provide an in-depth evaluation of all media units/vehicles (TV, cable, radio, outdoor, print, digital etc.) available to the State, as requested.

Due Date:

Jan. 4


Solicitation Manager Name: Sarah Walter Direct Phone: 517-256-4237 Email: Main Phone: 1-855-MI-PURCH 1-855-647-8724

Magrino PR and Lippe Taylor are agencies worth considering.

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