The agency will perform designated marketing, advertising and communications promoting South Dakota State University and its current “Built-By” campaign. The university shall award a contract (or contracts) to a vendor(s) whose services and proposals provide the best value to SDSU through message and market penetration, in addition to the greatest ROI for its search capabilities.
The selected vendor(s) must be a multimedia vendor capable of optimizing digital strategies while managing a regional and strategic market image campaign, developing targeted advertising for specific audiences with defined objectives, and creating and producing work to complement the objectives of the campaign. In addition, the agency will assist with media scheduling and placement and provide design services for designated projects. The selected vendor must also be able to effectively demonstrate its search capabilities. This includes necessary integration with university systems and technology, how the firm plans to determine and target a qualified prospect that has the greatest potential to apply and enroll as a student at SDSU, and how the firm would communicate with identified suspects and prospects through a year-long search process. The request for services would require the agency to interact and collaborate with various departments, including university marketing and communications, admissions, continuing and distance education, international affairs, university leadership, and various departments, units and colleges within the university. Additionally, outside affiliates may include the SDSU Alumni Association, SDSU Foundation.
The agency would also manage student name purchases for SDSU, working with organizations such as ACT, College Board, Encoura, and others. The scope of this contract would be contained to the comprehensive campaign and general development of marketing for SDSU.
Scope of Work:
The scope of services includes, but not necessarily limited to:
• Overall strategic planning on marketing, message development and branding issues.
• Development and production of video and electronic content. • Comprehensive search strategy to generate qualified prospects for enrollment at SDSU.
• Comprehensive digital strategy and ability to optimize strategy based on qualified engagement:
• Suggested media buys and market penetration based on audience research in the following markets. Sioux Falls, S.D.; Rapid City, S.D.; Sioux City, Iowa, and Northeast, Neb., and Omaha, Neb. • Stretch media buys for Omaha, Minneapolis, Des Moines and Kansas City metro areas.
• High-end marketing promotional materials.