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Marketing RFP Issued For Central Carolina Technical College

central carolina tech and kershaw county academic 127

Central Carolina Technical College (CCTC) is requesting qualified vendors to promote and brand marketing campaign program in a unique way for the dual enrollment program.


CCTC serves a four county area that includes Sumter, Lee, Clarendon and Kershaw counties. We have a strong dual enrollment program but often those students only attend CCTC while in high school. We do not typically recruit them as students. CTE dual enrollment provides a path for high school students to become CCTC students based on the field of study in a technical area.

Local industries need a trained workforce and Central Carolina Technical College has the means to prepare students as early as their junior year of high school. Research shows that nine local industries have at least 200 open positions as of Fall 2021 in the areas of welding, mechatronics and machine tool. The high schools need a defined pathway for students to pursue a new avenue known as CTE dual enrollment. Students may take “technical” classes while in high school to enter the workforce sooner. Industrial programs like mechatronics and welding are the main focus as healthcare programs do not allow student participation under the age of 18.


The successful vendor will create a new marketing campaign messaging, slogan, call to action, image & design samples geared toward dual enrollment program.

Campaign elements need to include:


This is a one year contract.

Vendor Requirement

The vendor will need to be registered with the SAMS.gov (System for Award Management) system.

Quotes can be email to allenlintcr@cctech.edu or mailed to the above address.

Deadline june 18

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