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MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Stand Up, Mississippi Communication Campaign for Opioid Awareness

opioid Awareness

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: April 17, 2023, at 9:00 AM (CST)

Section 4 – Scope of Work

Continue and expand the efforts of Stand Up, Mississippi – a statewide targeted communication strategy to end the opioid crisis and inspire all Mississippians to work together to create a stronger and healthier future by increasing the public’s understanding of opioid addiction and how to access needed services including:

• Developing communication strategies including but not limited to: website content and updates, social media, web-based and printed outreach materials, advertisements/Public Service Announcements, news media, and presentations for target audiences.

• Conducting media placement procurement to include the appropriate mix of the following (based on final budget and availability):

o Print and digital ad space for newspapers and magazines

o Digital buys (e.g., streaming radio, website advertisements, social media, etc.)

o Outdoor billboards

o Broadcast radio

o Print materials

 All media buys will include negotiating for best and lowest cost, seeking value added promotional opportunities, conducting appropriate focused market research, target audience segmentation and regionalization.

• Actively engaging public relations/news media collaboration plans.

• Communicating routinely with DMH to report on progress and performance as part of the ongoing evaluation.

• Actively searching for unique outreach opportunities within Mississippi for Stand Up, Mississippi presence targeting the populations as identified by DMH.

o Registering DMH staff and purchasing exhibitor/sponsorship opportunities at state conferences.

• Providing ongoing evaluation of the campaign and make recommendations regarding innovative ideas to reach target audiences, methods, and budget allocation as necessary to meet campaign objectives.


• -Proven experience of managing the Stand Up, Mississippi campaign or a state-wide opioid awareness campaign of the like.

• -Dedicated staff to generate innovative and unique outreach ideas and conduct strategic planning that will reach intended audiences.

• -Ability to conduct research from reliable and relevant sources on current trends in data and opioid awareness educational tactics used to curb overdose deaths.

• -Ability to produce content and provide direct reach to audiences through email/database marketing platforms.

-Established relationships with entities that could benefit the mission of the Stand Up, Mississippi campaign.

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