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MSR Communications Takes on PR for CelLynx

MSR Communications has recently been chosen as the PR agency of records for CelLynx, a company that prides itself on the creation of a plug and play cellular signal booster, the first of its kind. MSR will be responsible for promoting the signal booster and letting the world know about the potential of CelLynx.

“We chose MSR Communications based on their experience and proven results in transforming mobile and other start-ups into industry leaders,” said Barry George, CelLynx’s Chief Marketing Officer. “MSR’s ability to effectively introduce new technologies in a way that incites actionable demand made the decision to work with them an easy one.”

With most people being unhappy with the coverage they get, as well as slow Internet speeds, CelLynx saw an opportunity to fill a hole and they took it. The company offers signal boosts even in the weakest areas, making it possible to make phone calls wherever power is available, including inside houses and cars. CelLynx can also speed Internet connections up to 20x faster than the existing wireless. Not only have they filled a need, they’ve gone one better and really impressed their clients.

“With our increased dependence on mobile connectivity, there is a real need for groundbreaking solutions that can strengthen and extend mobile and wireless coverage into areas where signals tend to be less than reliable,” said Mary Shank Rockman, principal and CEO, MSR Communications. “We are looking forward to working with CelLynx to educate the public about a solution that makes mobile phone or Internet connections just as dependable as the ubiquitous landline.”

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