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National Press Club To Host Egyptian Press Conference

Today the National Press Club is hosting a special newsmakers conference at 10:00 AM EST to discuss the unique unraveling of Egypt. Once again, Egypt is in the midst of protests and turmoil, with violence and bloodshed even greater than during the 2011 uprising.

The National Press Club - Jay Sekulow

While American media features pundits such as Ambassadors and Jay Sekulow of ACLJ, academics to David Cerullo are pontificating in the media regularly. Yet, there’s so many unanswered questions and media experts on Middle Eastern policy are gathering to discuss what comes next in the region.

Panelists will include:

For more information on this event please contact:

Monica Coleman, NPC Newsmaker Event Host
202-423-3150, mcoleman@insidecapitolhill.net

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