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NEWBURGH IDA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Branding Marketing and Advertising Services


Submittal Deadline: Received by 12 Noon, via e-mail, hand delivery, courier, USPS Mail or Overnight Mail, November 17, 2023.

Introduction and Background:

The City of Newburgh Industrial Development Agency (the “Agency”) seeks qualified firms and/or persons to provide certain branding, advertising and marketing services to encourage business investment in the City of Newburgh in furtherance of the Agency’s mission to support and promote economic development and employment opportunities by attracting new companies and industries, as well as assisting current businesses to grow and expand.

The Agency is a public benefit corporation of the State of New York created in 1982 pursuant to Article 18A of the General Municipal Law. Industrial Development Agencies are authorized to promote, develop, encourage and assist in the acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, improving, maintaining, equipping and furnishing industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, commercial, research, recreational and other facilities and thereby advance the job opportunities, health, general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the State of New York and improve their recreation opportunities, prosperity and standard of living.

The Agency has appointed the Executive Director, Cherisse Vickers, as Procurement Officer for this project. The Procurement Officer will act as the point of contact. If there are any questions concerning this RFP, please e-mail

Scope of Services

The successful respondent or respondents (the “Contractor”) shall be required from time to time upon request of the Agency to:

1. Develop branding, marketing, and advertising plans that support the Agency’s marketing objectives and strategies,

2. Create an integrated advertising campaign strategy that may include, but will not be limited to, the following:

• Strategic Public Relations (PR) Planning: Develop a comprehensive PR strategy that align with the Agency’s organizational goals and objectives.

• Media Relations: Assist the Agency in building and maintaining strong relationships with relevant media outlets and journalists

• Content Creation: Generate press releases, articles, pamphlets, and other content for distribution to various media channels.

• Social Media Management: Manage the Agency’s social media accounts, create compelling content, and engage with our online community.

• Crisis Communication: Upon request of the Agency, develop a crisis communication plan and provide guidance in managing any potential PR crises.

• Event Promotion: Assist the Agency in promoting and managing PR for key events and other significant milestones.

• Monitoring and Reporting: Upon request of the Agency, monitor media coverage and provide comprehensive reports on PR efforts’ effectiveness.

• Spokesperson Training: Offer media training to key Agency spokespeople for interviews and public appearances.

3. Additional services as may be required by the Agency in the execution of the Agency’s marketing objectives and strategies including:

a. Strategic planning

b. Government agency compliance

c. Market research and analysis

d. Lead generation and qualification

e. Coordination with other Agency contractors and partners.
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