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Name: Teyana Reed

Mailing Address: Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

42-09 28th Street, CN-30A

Long Island City, NY 11101

Email Address: RFP@health.nyc.gov

Proposal Due Date and Time and Location:

• Date: TBD

• Time: 2:00 P.M., ET


A. Agency Goals and Objectives

The Agency’s goal and objectives for this RFP are to:

1. Have the capacity to assess the impact of public health media campaigns;

2. Utilize the results of market research services from the contracted vendor(s) in

order to improve the effectiveness of future public health media campaigns.

B. Agency Assumptions Regarding Contractor’s Approach

The Agency’s assumptions regarding which approach would best achieve the goals and

objectives set out above are as follows:

1. Experience

The Contractor would:

a. Have at least three (3) years of successful relevant experience within the

past five (5) years conducting quantitative and qualitative evaluations of

large- and small-scale public health media campaigns using standard

evaluation procedures and methodologies, including conducting literature

reviews; developing evaluation questions; selecting indicators/outcomes;

developing instruments; and collecting, processing, managing, and

analyzing data. Greater consideration would be given to proposers with

more than three years of successful relevant experience.

b. Have at least three (3) years of successful relevant experience within the

past five (5) years conducting research in the field of public health and/or

media that are culturally sensitive or culturally appropriate for populations

that are both English speaking and predominantly non-English speaking.

Greater consideration would be given to proposers who demonstrate more

than three years of successful relevant experience.

c. Have at least three (3) years of successful relevant experience within the

past five (5) years preparing reports and presenting complex technical

information to municipal and governmental agencies and community

stakeholders. Greater consideration would be given to proposers who

demonstrate more than three years of successful relevant experience.

d. Have a minimum of two (2) years of successful relevant experience within

the past five (5) years developing and using social media evaluation tools

to monitor and evaluate process indicators and program outcomes;

implementing online registration and data collection and developing

online applications to allow on demand tracking of project enrollment and

status of process indicators; and experience in evaluating the impact of

social media and web-based strategies. Greater consideration would be

given to proposers who demonstrate more than two years of successful

relevant experience.

2. Organizational Capability

The Contractor would:

a. Have the capability to identify appropriate subcontractors, secure the

Agency’s prior approval, and effectively manage the approved

subcontractors for the performance of work required under the resulting


b. Have the capability and flexibility to provide market research services on

an as needed basis to the Agency.

c. Have the capability to simultaneously manage multiple projects (i.e. the

organization’s other accounts and projects would not interfere with the

ability to perform the assignment of Market Research Projects required by

the Agency).

d. Have key staff, or employ or retain, key staff, with the following

credentials and capabilities:

i. a high degree of understanding of the principles of advertising,

market research, writing and graphic design.

ii. proficiency in the application of advanced statistics for the analysis

of quantitative data, and who are proficient in the analysis of qualitative data. Expected skills in these areas include:

1) Quantitative skills that would include, but not be limited to:

• Complex sampling techniques

• Designing and implementing multi-site evaluations

• Merging and analyzing large data sets

• Multivariate analysis, including logistic regression

and discriminate modeling

• Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis

• Data visualization using data visualization software

• Questionnaire design and validation

• Scaling techniques

2) Qualitative skills that would include, but not be limited to:

• Facilitating focus groups and transcribing data

• Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured


• Field observation

• Environmental scans

• Analysis of qualitative data using computer assisted

qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) such

as Atlas.ti, NUD*IST, and others

• Analysis of audio files and visual data such as

videos and images

e. Have the capability to conduct surveys in multiple languages. Contractor

would have demonstrated the capacity to serve populations that speak

Executive Order 120 languages (Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, French,

Haitian Creole, Italian, Korean, Russian, Polish, Arabic, Bengali, Urdu

and Yiddish), as well as other common or esoteric languages spoken by

communities in New York City.

f. Have the capability to designate a dedicated Project Manager for the

contract to function in the role of primary contact person. The contact

person would handle issues, problems, or questions arising from the

performance of services.

3. Approach

For each assigned Market Research Project, in consultation with the Agency, the

Contractor would:

a. Design and develop market research strategies to assess and provide

feedback on new public health media campaigns, using strategies such as

focus groups, small-scale street intercepts and large-scale longitudinal and

cross sectional surveys, in-depth interviews, usability sessions, media

audits as well as other market research services as appropriate to the media

campaign under evaluation. Research services and strategies would


i. Designing and conducting evaluations

ii. Developing data collection procedures and tools

iii. Developing and using online assessment tools

iv. Evaluations of social media

v. Data cleaning and management of large datasets

vi. Sampling and weighting of data

vii. Multivariate analysis

viii. Economic modeling

ix. Forecasting modeling

x. Social science research methods

xi. Preparing topline and other summary reports

b. Design, develop, test and implement appropriate surveys (such as randomdigit dialed or online surveys) to evaluate the impact of the assigned

public health media campaign.

c. Develop appropriate guides for survey screeners and moderators to use in

the execution of all survey-related work.

d. Using the Agency’s selection criteria, recruit, select, and compensate

participants of the surveys; moderate survey sessions; provide all

necessary materials for survey sessions. The contractor would have an

approach that includes the recruitment of minority, low-income and other

hard to reach subjects (older adults, people with disabilities, LGBTQ

individuals, etc.).

e. Collect, analyze and interpret quantitative and qualitative data (including

the selection of appropriate statistical and demographic criteria) from

surveys, polls, focus groups and media audits, etc.

f. As requested by the Agency, conduct briefings or other consultative

meetings, either in person or via other communication method as agreed

upon by the Agency and the Contractor.

g. Prepare a draft report of findings for Agency review; provide revisions

and/or clarifications to draft reports as requested by the Agency at no

additional cost to the Agency.

h. In accordance with timeframes agreed to by the Agency and the

contractor, prepare a final report in a format approved by the Agency,

summarizing the data in a Top-line report or other appropriate summary

format, and detailing the findings and interpretation of the data.

i. Provide survey data (either raw or processed) to the Agency in SPSS,

ASCII, Excel or other formats requested by the Agency. Survey data

would become property of the Agency.

j. Assign staff who would be dedicated to specific Market Research Projects

as they arise. Staff assignments would be subject to Agency approval.

k. Maintain a database of New York City residents who have volunteered to

participate in Agency surveys in accordance with applicable federal and

New York State laws.

C. Project Assignment Protocol

Each time the Agency needs Market Research Services, a Project Request will be issued

to each vendor that has a registered contract as a result of this RFP. The Project Request

will invite these contractors to submit a Project Proposal. The Project Request will

include a preliminary scope of work and criteria for evaluating the Project Proposals. The

Contractors will have a minimum of five (5) business days to submit a short response;

more complex projects will include a longer response period.

The Project Proposal shall include, at a minimum:

• A description of the Contractor’s experience directly relevant to the Project


• A complete description of the work to be performed;

• The name and resume of the person who would be directing the work on the


• The name, title or staff level to be assigned to the project;

• The Daily Blended Staff Rate for the project. This rate shall not exceed the rate

specified in the Contract resulting from this RFP, although contractors may

propose a lower Rate for a particular project;

• The number of days and/or hours, by individual and title, for completion of the


• The total number of days and/or hours expected to be billed for completion of the


• The total cost of the service/project;

• A project schedule including relevant deadlines for all proposed deliverables;

• Proposed subcontractors; and

• Any other information requested in the Project Request.

Proposals will be evaluated, and a contractor will be chosen based on the highest scoring

vendor, whose scores will be determined via the criteria stated in the Project Request,

which may include but are not limited to, consultant expertise and experience;

contractor’s organizational capability to perform the project; proposed approach, total

cost and timeline. As part of the evaluation, the Agency may request interviews or

presentations from one or more contractors. Once a project is assigned to a contractor, the

Department may choose to offer that Contractor all additional work related to the project

without soliciting proposals from other contractors.

The Agency does not make any guarantee that vendors receiving contracts will receive

any work or any particular level of work. The Agency reserves the right to reject any

proposal or cancel any projects solicited. The Agency further reserves the right to cancel

a contract if the vendor does not consistently respond to Project Requests.

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