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PR Predictions From Temple University & Others


2021 Public Relations and marketing predictions from some leading digital media & PR experts.

Gregg Feistman, Assistant Chair for Public Relations at Temple University told us he believe there needs to be less focus on communication channels (social media, influencers, etc.), and more on strategic issues that will impact the messaging and positioning of all organization.  He tells us that, “With a new administration coming into power in Washington, organizations need to be prepared for changes from the last four years. That could range from increased attention on environmental issues, social justice, energy, increased regulation, finance and banking, immigration, the job market, education, foreign markets, etc. What position are organizations taking on these and a host of other issues? Also, what action plans are they putting in place?”

Feistman continues to raise important issues, saying, “With the rise of #MeToo and BLM movements, what are organizations doing to address these concerns? They are under more scrutiny than ever and corporate rhetoric isn’t enough. The use of analytics and artificial intelligence will continue to increase. How will organizations use these tools to create competitive advantages? The political divide is still very real. How will organizations navigate it?”

Corrie Fisher of KNC Communications in Connecticut said, PR will see a lot more focus on diversity and inclusivity.  She says, “This past year has been one giant wake-up call, as PR professionals we’ve learned that breaking through the noise in our clients’ industries required in large part, a drive on natural human connection, especially as it pertains to social issues and representation. 

In the healthcare space, representation has not always been at the forefront of media coverage. Now we are seeing all backgrounds step forward to show others, “you are not alone, there are more of us, and we do strive to hold leadership roles in medicine”. Take, for instance, one of the key scientists behind the Covid-19 vaccine, an African American woman, and the first person to be vaccinated in the US, an African American woman. These historical movements portray how PR will secure leading coverage in 2021. 

In 2021, the most impactful media coverage will result from industry leaders that take a stand for representing their ethnicities, and what companies are doing to make workplaces inclusive to all.”

Eric Jan C. van Putten, a leading worldwide digital marketer told us that “Digital Marketing these days relies heavily on tools and solutions that help drive business for any organization. Email marketing is available free of charge, setting up a website doesn’t have to take more than an hour or so from a technical point of view, but doing digital marketing right requires more than just tools. The right data governance, strategy is needed to make decisions that will influence how you build your marketing technology stack.”

Social Media predictions he gave us include, “With COVID reducing the normal available marketing and sales channels people have taken to social media more than ever before. It is one of the few channels that will allow you to reach out and connect directly with the right person not hindered by any gatekeeper or overflowed, and easy to forget, inbox.  

Social Media is part of almost any business. Ranging from the most minimalistic way where a business just has a Linkedin or Google Company page to organizations that do all their business through one or more social media channels. 

In B2C Ecommerce social ecommerce has taken flight in the past years where boutique businesses were enabled to offer their products through Instagram. Show in livestreams every possible angle and movement of the product, convincing shoppers based on a great digital product experience that this is the product for them.  

In B2B and B2C Ecommerce Linkedin has a strong position. It allows marketing to promote products, increase brand awareness and it enables sales to check out who interacted with the company’s content or find the right person as part of the Account Based Marketing approach and try to get a foot in the door with the right person at the right time. But let’s all not forget that this is social media, so let’s not kick in the door and ask for a 15 minute call in the 2nd or 3rd sentence.” 

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