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Social media



DATE: April 25, 2024

TIME: 2:00 PM, Pacific Time





Clackamas County is seeking Proposals from vendors to provide Social Media Advertising Management.

Please direct all Technical/Specifications or Procurement Process Questions to the indicated

representative referenced in the Notice of Request for Proposals and note the communication restriction outlined in Section 2.19.


Clackamas County Tourism (“CCT”), branded “Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory” is the Destination Management Organization of the county. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for residents by optimizing the economic impacts of the tourism industry derived from the County’s Transient Room Tax.

Internal marketing staff handle the day-to-day planning and execution of organic social media. We use paid and organic social media to drive web traffic to and partner websites. We feature beautiful, original photography, video and user-generated content to spark connections and inspire action.

While visitors 50+ miles outside of our destination are a priority audience group, we also target certain messages for local audiences as part of our strategic objectives.

CCT seeks a vendor who can create, manage and optimize paid social media ads and ad campaigns and can lead CCT through research, planning, organization and delivery of a strategy that aligns well with the needs of the organization’s strategic objectives and accompanying priority messages. The selected vendor should advise marketing staff on best practices for improving campaign performance and should handle day-to-day ad optimization.

Rather than focusing on what some digital marketers refer to as “vanity metrics,” including reactions and follows, we measure success by what actions users take after landing on our website. The chosen vendor will help us get the right message to the right people who are most likely to convert/take the desired action once they get to our website.

Example of content we are not looking for:

A beauty shot of Trillium Lake in the summer gets 3k likes and a big uptick in follows for the month. Not only do the likes have little meaning to us, promoting well known, overburdened attractions runs counter to our strategic outcomes.

Example of content we are looking for

A post linking to a article about lesser-known hikes results in 2800 post link clicks, a low cost-per-click, and users are spending at least one minute on the landing page.

Social Media Channels

Facebook @mthoodterritory

172k followers | 14+ million annual impressions | 440k+ annual engagements

Instagram @mthoodterritory

Social Media Advertising Management Page 7

63k+ followers | 3.1+ million annual impressions

Historically paid efforts have not performed as well on this channel compared to Facebook

Youtube @mthoodterritory

1.3k subscribers | 600k+ annual views


3.3.1. Scope: The scope of work will include, but is not be limited to:


Ads Management


Shareable calendar with priorities, goals, messaging direction

3.3.2. Work Schedule:

Fall 2024 Process

Early July | Kick off call for the teams to meet, discuss strategy and set goals/expectations/meeting schedule etc.

Mid-July | Review and discuss seasonal and evergreen priorities with marketing team

Agency advises on ad formats for identified topics

Early August | Marketing team sends agency shareable document with topics, messaging guidance, run dates, assets etc.

Social Media Advertising Management Page 9

Mid/late August | Agency creates draft ads/ad campaigns, sends to marketing team for review/approval

Two rounds of revisions; one week turnaround

Early September | Final approval from CCT due to agency

Mid-October | Agency launches fall ads/ad campaigns

Ongoing throughout season | Agency handles monitoring, tracking and reporting of ad performance out to


Typical timeline for starting planning/creative process:

3.3.3. Term of Contract:

The term of the contract shall be from the effective date through June 30, 2029.

3.3.4 Sample Contract: Submission of a Proposal in response to this RFP indicates Proposer’s willingness to enter into a contract containing substantially the same terms (including insurance requirements) of the sample contract identified below. No action or response to the sample contract is required under this RFP. Any objections to the sample contract terms should be raised in accordance with Paragraphs 2.2 or 2.3 of this RFP, pertaining to requests for clarification or change or protest of the RFP/specifications, and as otherwise provided for in this RFP. This RFP and all supplemental information in response to this RFP will be a binding part of the final contract.

The applicable Sample Personal Services Contract for this RFP can be found at
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