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SOUTHERN VERMONT DEERFIELD VALLEY 2024 Bi-Town Marketing Campaign Design & Media Buy Request For Proposal In collaboration with the Towns of Dover and Wilmington and the Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce

Brattleboro, Vermont

Proposals Due By: Friday, February 9, 2024

Introduction and Background:

The Bi-Town Marketing Committee is a sub-committee of the Bi-Town Economic

Development Committee.The Bi-Town Economic Development Committee is organized

by the Towns of Wilmington and Dover with representation from the select boards, staff,

community members, Mount Snow, Hermitage Club, Brattleboro Development Credit

Corporation, and the Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce. The

purpose of the committee is to authentically promote the Deerfield Valley to summer

and shoulder season visitors for increased economic viability. The Marketing Committee

is entering year three of a five-year marketing plan. The digital ad campaign is

connected to the Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce website

and social media; they are also our fiscal agent. The Committee has been funded by

the two towns for the creation of a new campaign tagline, design of digital advertising

assets, and media buy for the summer/fall season of 2024.

Through a digital advertising campaign the Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley aims to

enhance its position as a significant year-round destination in Vermont, thriving during

spring, summer, and fall, in addition to our well established winter season.

Scope of Work:

The Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce (client) wishes to hire a

contractor who can implement the creation and execution of a digital marketing

campaign for summer & fall 2024. This project will encompass everything from tagline,

digital asset creation, media buying, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure

the success of the project. While this project is only for the 2024 year, tagline & ad

templates should be created with the intent for the client to utilize for a multi-year


Specifically this project will include:

1. Development of a new campaign tagline

2. Development of ad templates that will utilize the new tagline and design elements

from the Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley brand. These templates will serve as

the basis for our summer & fall 2024 paid media campaigns with new photo/video

inserted into the templates for each of the four campaign phases. Templates will

be produced for:

a. Meta feed static image ads

b. Meta carousel ads

c. 1080×1920 videos that can be purposed for both Instagram Reels and


3. Creation of unique campaign assets for four phases of a 2024 summer & fall

social media campaign. Each phase will separately target two audiences, broadly

defined as family & young adults, and unique assets should be created for each

audience. These assets will use the templates from #2 above with photo & video

owned by the client as well as stock images/video sourced by the contractor

when necessary, as well as accompanying copy appropriate for each audience

and channel. The four phases will be scheduled to begin running in market

approximately as:

a. Phase 1 – April 15, 2024

b. Phase 2 – June 3, 2024

c. Phase 3 – July 15, 2024

d. Phase 4 – August 19, 2024

4. Contractor will coordinate and execute media buys for the campaign phases with

a reputable media buyer. Total ad purchases will amount to $88,000 to be

distributed equally across the four campaign phases. Distribution amongst each

channel & audience will be determined between contractor & client, and

adjustments may be requested by client throughout the campaign based on

analytical results.

5. Contractor will provide clients with a minimum of bi-weekly analytic reports for the

duration of the campaign. Higher consideration will be given to proposals that

include client access to a dashboard to monitor media buy results in (close to)

real time.

6. Optional – As this is an awareness campaign for the entire Southern Vermont

Deerfield Valley area, we are always looking for additional KPIs to help measure

the success of campaigns. Proposals that include metrics above the standard

media buy analytics will be given higher consideration. Client is especially

interested in geofencing solutions tracking users who have been served one of

our ads and then enter our valley.

The desired firm or personal qualifications include:

1. Creativity and uniqueness to campaign creation

2. Knowledge of destination marketing and advertising

3. A strong record of project communication and reliability

4. Previous experience with similar projects

5. Timeline of availability

Required Content:

1. Identity of individual/organization: Identify yourself/organization and a single point

of contact with information.

2. Experience: Provide a history of yourself/organization, a list of clients/projects

you have developed, and background qualifications of anyone who would be

working with you on the project.

3. Creativity: Show examples of other similar digital advertising projects

you/organization have created.

4. Media Buy & Analytics: Provide the name of the media buyer you would plan to

work with on this project as well as any analytics that would be provided to

measure the success of this campaign.

5. Timeline/Capacity: Indicate your capacity to implement with the timeframe of

completion and list specific steps of the project progression. Timelines should

take into account and propose time frames for clients to provide feedback on

each step of the project.

6. Itemized Costs: Bid submissions should be itemized by the bullet points laid out

in the Scope of Work section of this RFP. Bids exceeding 30% of the total ad

budget will not be considered.

7. Minimum of two references from organizations/businesses you have worked with.

Criteria Scoring:

1. Creativity, based on previous design & messaging examples (max 35 Points)

2. Knowledge of destination marketing (specifically in the northeast market) and

digital advertising KPIs (max 25 Points)

3. Qualifications of the individual/organization to be assigned to the project (max 25


4. Timeline availability (max 15 Points)


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