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Proposals are due 3:00 p.m. (PST) July 20, 2023.


The Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD” or “Department”) requests proposals from the On-Call Professional Consultant Services Bench in the Marketing and Public/Media Relations Services category to design, develop, and execute customized marketing strategies, content, and videos to promote LAPD recruitment opportunities and encourage qualified applicants to join the Department and help meet its goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.



The City of Los Angeles is one of the most ethnically and geographically diverse cities in the country. Its residents speak 224 languages and live in diverse communities. Los Angeles Police Officers are sworn to protect and to serve more than 4 million residents of the City of Los Angeles. Their jurisdiction is the

sprawling 468 square miles of the City.

The duties of a Los Angeles Police Officer include investigating crimes, making arrests, patrolling communities to make them safer, working with the community to solve problems, conducting community meetings, mediating disputes, investigating traffic collisions, and providing general police services.

In recent years, the Los Angeles Police Department has encountered a crisis in recruiting new sworn personnel to the Department. This is an even greater challenge as the Department continues to struggle to meet its goals to diversify the rank and file, by hiring a greater number of females and individuals of

African-American and Asian/Pacific Islander descent. This crisis is part of a broader trend affecting law enforcement agencies nationwide. The Los Angeles Police Department currently has approximately 700 sworn vacancies. The recruitment crisis has led to staffing shortages, increased workload, and extended working hours. The use of a professional advertising and marketing service would assist the Department’s goal of recruiting and hiring police officers.


The effectiveness of services will be based on the amount of marketing/advertisement services provided by the Consultant and the number of individuals inquiring about a career with the Department.


The Consultant shall provide details on how they will most effectively provide and coordinate the following key tasks, including deliverables for each, per the descriptions below. This shall also include details on any optional work described below.

Task 1 Promotion of LAPD Recruitment Opportunities

Design, develop, and execute customized marketing strategies, content, and videos to promote LAPD recruitment opportunities.

Task 1 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 1 must be provided as part of the proposal. The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.

Task 2 Recruitment of Applicants

Utilize radio, streaming, social media platforms, and display targeting across designated marketing areas to recruit applicants.

Task 2 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 2 must be provided as part of the proposal.

The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.

Task 3 Digital Media Strategy

Launch digital media strategy, planning, execution, optimization, and reporting for social media, search, and programmatic advertising platforms.

Task 3 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 3 must be provided as part of the proposal.

The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.

Task 4 Targeted Messaging

Utilize streaming audio for advertisements, including targeted messaging to job seekers and adults 21 – 34 years old.

Task 4 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 4 must be provided as part of the proposal.

The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.

Task 5 Application Process

Promote the application process, share details of recruitment events, and encourage form fills across multiple platforms.

Task 5 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 5 must be provided as part of the proposal.

The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.

Task 6 Real-Time Reporting Implement transparent and real-time reporting to optimize performance.

Task 6 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 6 must be provided as part of the proposal.

The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.

Task 7 Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness 

Provide analytics to measure advertising effectiveness.

Task 7 Deliverable(s): A detailed performance schedule by phase indicating the plan for accomplishing Task 7 must be provided as part of the proposal.

The schedule should also identify the personnel engaged in each task, the

deliverables for each task, and the significant completion dates.
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