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University of Arizona Issues Digital Marketing RFP

1.1 Summary. The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR), on behalf of the University of Arizona, is soliciting proposals from interested vendors to deliver to the University relevant noncredit programming in an online format on the topics of digital marketing (including technology, strategy, data collection and analytics), and/or sales operations, product innovation and market engineering.

1.2 Coverage and Participation. The intended coverage of this RFP and any Agreement resulting from this solicitation shall be for the use of all Departments at the University of Arizona. The other State Universities, Arizona State University (ASU) and Northern Arizona University (NAU), along with Pima Community College (PCC) and any other educational institution or Governmental entity may access an Agreement resulting from this solicitation issued and administered by the University of Arizona.


University Purpose and Core Values. The University of Arizona’s purpose is working together to expand human potential, explore new horizons and enrich life for all. To fulfill this purpose, the University has adopted Core Values that apply to all faculty, staff, and students, as well as to those doing business with the University. The Core Values are central to the culture of the University, and Vendors are encouraged to review and uphold the following:

• Integrity – Be honest respectful and just 

• Compassion – Choose to Care 

• Exploration – Be insatiably curious 

• Adaptation – Stay open-minded and eager for what’s next 

• Inclusion – Harness the power of diversity 

• Determination – Bear Down For additional information regarding the University’s Purpose and Core Values, please visit

Scope of Work:

The University of Arizona office of Continuing & Professional Education provides noncredit professional development programs for adult learners, with an emphasis on developing in-demand digital skills that equip program participants to find living-wage employment. The University of Arizona office of Continuing & Professional Education seeks to collaborate with education/training vendors to deliver relevant noncredit programming in an online format on the topics of digital marketing (including technology, strategy, data collection and analytics), and/or sales operations, product innovation and market engineering. Desired timeline is launch of the program within three months of contract start date. Instructions: Written responses should be submitted for each requirement, with a thorough explanation of how proposer meets the requirement (more than a “yes” response). Image and/or video descriptions of how the proposer meets the requirement may also be included. If proposer meets the requirement only in part, response should clearly indicate which portions of the requirement are or are not met. If proposer does not meet the requirement, write “N/A” in response to that requirement. Vendor presentations (if necessary) may be scheduled so that vendor can demonstrate both the program participant experience and the University partner experience.

5.1 Program Content and Format. 

5.1.1 Program Content. Trains participants in digital marketing (including technology, strategy, data collection and analytics) and/or sales operations, product innovation and market engineering. Customization options and flexibility, including the potential for curriculum review by University faculty, corporate partners and/or subject matter experts.

5.1.2 Program Format. Ability to provide training in a fully online format. Opportunity for students to participate in live virtual experiences that include direct live interaction with the instructor(s) and other students. Curriculum includes an applied project that demonstrates competency / mastery. Online content can be accessed and used on a variety of devices, including mobile devices. Online content delivery utilizes current/modern technologies. Online content delivery system is reliably accessible by students. Please provide a thorough explanation of support services available to address system outages/downtime. Please also provide uptime statistics, if content delivery platform is proposer-owned/managed. 

5.2 Program Quality and Relevance. 

5.2.1 Quality. Vendor has a demonstrable record of producing successful outcomes for program participants, including but not limited to program completion, credential acquisition, and career/job placement outcomes. Demonstrates best practices in instructional design. Program instructors have appropriate experience and expertise to deliver high-quality instruction. Excellent student support – including but not limited to tech support, customer service, and instructor support for learning class materials.

5.2.2 Relevance. Market needs analysis demonstrating that program equips successful participants with specific skills that have significant current and/or projected employer demand. Program prepares successful participants for employment in a career area that offers a sustainable living wage at the entry level, or program offers a clear advancement pathway to a livable-wage occupation.

5.2.3 Vendor Experience. Vendor has at least three years of experience providing training for adults and enrolled university students on digital skills topics.

5.3 Cost, Revenue Potential and Return on Investment

5.3.1 Program Management Services Provided to University. Turnkey program that requires minimal personnel support from the University. Excellent partner support (for University) – including training, regular meetings and reporting, a designated contact person/account rep, etc. Visibility into enrollment, student progress, evaluations. Marketing support, including the ability to review and approve all marketing materials prior to publication.

5.3.2 Revenue Potential. Vendor has a demonstrable record of producing successful financial outcomes for partner institutions. Case studies or examples of successful outcomes from partner institutions are encouraged. Revenue sharing-based financial model (in which the University will receive a percentage amount of the revenue generated from program participation). Strict adherence to financial/payout schedule. Exclusivity in Arizona market and in marketing to Arizona alumni. Ability to launch program within 3 months of contract start date. Please describe estimated implementation timeline, including major implementation tasks, activities, and milestones.

5.3.3 Cost to Participants. Program cost for participants is in keeping with the market; program duration, depth and quality; number and type of skills acquired through successful completion of the program; and projected career outcomes.

5.3.4 Detailed Pricing. Please detail any costs paid by the University, the financial model/proposed revenue share between university and vendor, and the schedule/timing of payment/payouts. Please also detail costs paid by program participants, including the price of the program and any additional purchases required to participate in program (such as books, software, certification exams).

Due Date:

November 15 


The University of Arizona Procurement and Contracting Services University Services Annex, Bldg. 300A 220 W. 6th Street, 5th Floor Tucson, Arizona 85701 Attn: Jeff Sembar

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