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250th Anniversary Events Marketing Services

The Black Homeownership Marketing Campaign

Deadline for Quotes/: 1/19/24

Contract Performance and Business Specifications:

a. Overview

MOTT is seeking an advertising agency with experience in developing marketing campaigns that

publicize events and encourage tourism to highlight the history, culture, and assets of the

Commonwealth to the domestic and international markets. The successful vendor will develop

and manage measurably effective marketing campaigns promoting the Commonwealth,

including media planning, buying, optimization, and general reporting, as well as brand

development, creative services, and production of marketing materials, hiring and managing

subcontractors as needed, as identified in the vendor’s response to this RFR. (Prior approval to

subcontract services, as well as approval of specific subcontractors, by MOTT is required.) This

may include press releases, photos, videos, events, testimonials, stories, quotes, or other

collateral development. Preference will be given to agencies located in Massachusetts.

The successful vendor will be charged with engaging stakeholders for the purpose of developing

a strategic marketing campaign, expected to run through December 2026, which includes a

total fee for the successful vendor of up to $5 Million. The successful vendor will be responsible

for developing a strategic marketing framework, for review and approval by MOTT.



Account Executive

Material Production Manager

IT Support Coordinator

On-Site Support Coordinator

Project Manager

Advertising Manager

Public Relations Manager

Graphic Designer

Event Support

Event Planner



Creative Director


Technical Director

Other (vendor must provide title/ explanation) successful vendor will then be charged with implementing the media buying strategy, creative services, social media management, and all other aspects of the campaign. The successful vendor will also be responsible throughout the contract term for reporting on campaign effectiveness and measurement of incremental growth in volume of domestic and international visitors to Massachusetts. MOTT will have final approval and oversight on all aspects of the campaign.

b. Work Plan and Progress Updates

The successful vendor shall submit a project work plan, for review and approval by MOTT. The

successful vendor shall also submit weekly progress updates and participate in regular

meetings as requested by MOTT.

c. Deliverables

Deliverables shall include, but are not limited to:

 Overall marketing strategy:

o Provide recommendations for marketing activity based on Massachusetts’ unique role

in the American Revolution

o Develop a comprehensive strategic marketing plan covering 2024 through December

2026 with messaging recommendations specific to target market profiles

o Implement public relations and communications plan driving coverage in all media

o Develop and launch a logo and brand standards

o Develop and launch a dedicated website

o Develop and manage campaign-related social media accounts

o Create co-op opportunities for regional tourism councils (RTCs)

 Website planning:

o Develop and execute strategy to drive traffic to the campaign website

o Monitor website metrics and regularly report to MOTT

o Strategies to support the marketing efforts of RTCs and other partners with event

calendaring, key information, and downloadable resources

 Social media strategy:

o Establish new social media accounts for the marketing campaign

o Social media strategic content plan

o Scheduling calendar provided weekly

o Regular social media posting and content management of campaign sites designed to

increase followers and engagement

 Media planning:

o Translation of marketing goals and strategies into effective media buys with potential inclusion of RTCs in co-op efforts

o Placement of media which may consist of digital, television, radio, print, and out-ofhome advertising

o Creative media partnerships to develop programming that captures stories of

personal, regional, and community revolution

o All media planning, buying, and monitoring as well as optimization throughout


o Development and implementation of evaluation and reporting methodologies

o Detailed activation program plan and execution support

o Implementation of campaign elements, including calendaring, promotional efforts,

marketing channels, signage/advertising, and awareness-building activities

 Production and creative services:

o Creative development and production, including but not limited to graphic design,

copy writing and editing, photography, and video production

o Photo shoots, video vignettes and sizzle reels to promote tourism assets statewide

o Logo and graphic identity with tag lines, messaging & storytelling assets

o Produce print and digital collateral which may include banners, brochures, fliers,

infographics, social media content, advertisements, branded items, PowerPoint

templates, and other campaign collateral related elements at the discretion of MOTT

o Securing subcontracted services as needed, with prior approval by MOTT, to conduct

the marketing campaign.

o Develop campaign toolkit and assets for use by RTCs and other stakeholders

o MOTT will retain ownership over creative content, logos, photography, videos, written

stories/testimonials, and any content related to the contract. Upon approval of the

design layouts, MOTT will receive final files and retain ownership for all stated print

and digital collateral in standard file formats.

 Financial analysis and reporting:

o Development of media and production budget based on MOTT guidance

o Control mechanisms with implementation milestones and contingency plans

o Regular reporting of campaign effectiveness and return on investment

d. Additional Services – Performance Monitoring & Account Management

The successful vendor shall provide account management with in-depth attention to organizing,

planning, supervising, and reviewing the project and budget in progress at any time if requested

by MOTT and subject to MOTT oversight and final approval. The vendor shall commit to a level

of service (number and experience of employees and corresponding number of full-time

equivalents) as determined in the response to this RFR and shall maintain that level of service

throughout the term of the contract. Additionally:

o Vendor will meet all deliverables in work plan.

o Staff with appropriate range of skills will be available for the project.

o The successful vendor is responsible for the satisfactory performance and adequate

oversight of any subcontractors. Any provisions contained in any subcontract agreement

do not bind MOTT nor is MOTT ruled by any requirements that could be in conflict with

the requirements of this bid. Subcontracting should appear seamless to MOTT and backup documents shall be included with regular invoicing.

e. Performance Measurements

MOTT is endeavoring to obtain from the successful vendor the best value to facilitate this

marketing campaign. Therefore, it is important for MOTT to measure the vendor’s performance

to ensure the engagement is in compliance with what has been requested and what the vendor

offered in its response. The following performance areas will be subject to measurement:


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