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Baltimore Metropolitan Council Issues PR RFP


The Baltimore region averages over 1,900 pedestrian and 400 bicycle crashes each year, resulting in an average of 58 fatalities per year (2015- 2019). In 2019, 61 pedestrians were killed and over 1,800 injured in motor vehicle crashes in the region. Despite the pandemic and the significant drop in volume and vehicle miles traveled in 2020, the region saw an increase in the number of pedestrian crashes and fatalities. On average, the Baltimore region represents 46% of the total fatalities and more than half of all crashes and injuries across Maryland.

Between 2015-2019, 82.5 percent of all injury and fatal pedestrian crashes in Maryland occurred in five jurisdictions.

During FY2019, the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) developed a brand new, Baltimore-centric campaign, “LOOK ALIVE” featuring Signal Woman that was launched in June 2019. For information about the campaign, visit The campaign was implemented in FY2020 and 2021 with grant funds from the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration’s (MDOT MVA) Highway Safety Office (MHSO). 

The “LOOK ALIVE” campaign was created specifically for the Baltimore region with the help of a steering committee that included key safety stakeholders and focus groups that helped craft a message/campaign that would resonate with both city and county audiences. The cornerstone of the campaign is two video spots (15 and 30 second) featuring Signal Woman with messages directed at drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Built around these two video spots are a whole range of advertising and outreach campaign materials such as billboards, gas-pump toppers, bus tails, and other forms of transit advertising.

BMC is looking to hire a full-service communications firm with the ability to enhance and expand the ”LOOK ALIVE” campaign with more messaging targeting drivers and other key audiences. Production of additional spots featuring “Signal Woman” need to be considered during the development of the next phase of the campaign.

The selected firm will also be required to plan a three-year implementation of a comprehensive public outreach and education campaign, to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety in the Baltimore region. It is anticipated that the “LOOK ALIVE Phase 2” (LA-2) campaign will be launched over a six-week period in the spring of 2022 and continued over the summer.

All work, including evaluation and final report, must be completed no later than September 30, 2022. Media plan implementation of the FY2022 campaign will be under the direction of the BMC with close coordination and approval of the MHSO. The MHSO is providing funding for development and media plan implementation for the FY2022 campaign. Continuation of the campaign beyond Fiscal Year 2022 is contingent on availability of funds.

The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is a private nonprofit organization committed to identifying regional interests and developing collaborative strategies through plans and programs, which will improve the quality of life and economic vitality throughout the region.

Scope of Work:

The proposed Scope of Work shall address the following components: Task 1. Develop, Plan, and Evaluate Safety Campaign: A. The consultant shall develop new creative material, messaging, and imagery to help the region achieve the overall objective of reducing the number of pedestrian/motor vehicle and bicycle/motor vehicle collisions and their associated deaths and injuries.

B. The consultant, through the development and evaluation of a public education and outreach campaign, shall help the region achieve the short-term objectives of increasing the proportion of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists who: · Are aware of the behaviors most often involved in pedestrian collisions; · Are aware of the proper procedures regarding crosswalks; ·Are aware of the rules regarding right-of-way for pedestrians and bicyclists, especially at intersections; · Are aware of police efforts to enforce rules regarding pedestrian and bicycle traffic;

C. The consultant shall provide experienced and creative production personnel to develop and plan the implementation of pedestrian and traffic safety program advertising, educational, and promotional efforts. 

Due Date: January 7, 2022 (2:00 PM)


Submit Qualifications (by email only) to: Bala Akundi: Contact for More Information: Bala Akundi

Relevant agencies include Finn Partners and Coyne PR.

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