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Board of Education MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Request for Proposal #4608.1 Consultant for the Development and Implementation of a Marketing Campaign to Support Recruitment of Candidates for Montgomery County Public Schools


Proposals Due: April 23, 2024 by 2:00pm



The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit and engage one or more professional and knowledgeable organization(s) to serve as external consultant(s) to develop and implement a marketing campaign to support recruitment of candidates for all Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) positions. The campaign will build on the unique benefits of MCPS employment and the expansive experiences available within Montgomery County, Maryland and surrounding areas that combine to make MCPS a destination employer. The campaign will establish an MCPS employment brand and include print, digital and social media components designed to connect to and attract candidates with specific and targeted content for candidates who reside locally and those who may need to relocate. The campaign must drive interest, connect potential candidates to talent pools, include personalized engagement with potential candidates. As a companion to th marketing campaign, data tracking and monitoring tools must be developed to allow for assess goals and metrics.


Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is the largest school district in Maryland and the 14th

largest school system in the United States. The MCPS workforce is made up of 24,907 highly qualified and diverse employees. MCPS annually hires over 2000 new employees in administrative, certificated and support services roles.

MCPS recognizes that the strength of the organization is our human capital. The MCPS strategic plan identifies three main areas of focus. The focus on operational excellence details the importance of our strategic investment in human capital in order to ensure all students are prepared for college, career and community. The operational excellence focus in the strategic plan specifically identifies the following objectives connected to human capital recruitment and retention:

• Connect the district’s financial plan to the strategic plan with the goal of aligning all district resources and increase transparency

• Improve the strategic recruitment strategy to increase high-quality workforce diversity and support the social emotional well-being of all students

• Increase experienced and diverse principals and teachers serving in high-need schools

The MCPS Office of Human Resources and Development (OHRD) is challenged with meeting the changing landscape of public-school employment. As a result, MCPS must reimagine the approach to employee recruitment in order to expand talent pools and efficiently and effectively fill the ongoing vacancies in all areas of the organization.


3.1 Proposals should address the entire scope of services. Requirements include:

1. Research and identify the qualities and characteristics of MCPS employment that are of value

to potential employees

2. Research and identify experiences and opportunities in Montgomery County and the

surrounding areas that are of value to potential employees

3. Analyze the current recruitment and hiring processes and practices specific to inform possible

campaign parameters

4. Develop a marketing campaign that captures those aspects determined to be of value to

potential employees.

5. Develop an MCPS employer brand with accompanying print and digital materials.

6. Implement the marketing campaign using all possible formats that are tailored to the potential

candidate audience, segmenting that audience as appropriate while matching the needs of MCPS.

7. In collaboration with MCPS, establish metrics to define recruitment goals.

8. Develop and implement tools that allow for tracking and monitoring of the campaign impact.

9. Ensure all implemented elements are in alignment and compliance with all relevant internal

policies, laws, and leveraging national research and experience.

10. Map a process for implementation.

11. Provide support to system Human Capital Management leaders and staff to engage with the campaign and the tracking tools.

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