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City of Fort Bragg, CA Issues PR RFP

City of Fort Bragg, CA Issues PR RFP

The City of Fort Bragg issues this Request for Proposals to seek and retain a qualified firm to promote the Visit Fort Bragg brand and position Fort Bragg as a premier destination on California’s North Coast. The results of these efforts will benefit Fort Bragg’s lodging, retail, restaurants and other businesses, residents and visitors to the city. Ultimately, our goal is to increase the local sales and transient tax revenues, and the overall success of our visitor-serving businesses, retailers and restaurants.

  1. Increase overall visitation to Fort Bragg, specifically the shoulder seasons of Winter and Spring
  2. Increase length of stay per visit
  3. Increase visitor spending per day


The City of Fort Bragg has been transitioning from a lumber town to a tourism destination for the past 17 years. This community of 7,000 residents is perched on the bluff tops overlooking the ocean in Mendocino County. The community offers many visitor-serving activities and facilities including:

Year-round tourism is part of Fort Bragg’s economy; however tourism peaks from June through September with many visitors from California’s Central Valley and San Francisco Bay Area.

The City of Fort Bragg passed a Transient Occupancy Tax increase in 2016. A portion of the funds have been dedicated to marketing and promotions and are laid out in the Marketing and Promotions Plan. With this recent increase, Fort Bragg has a great opportunity to enhance, grow and improve its destination marketing efforts. The chosen firm(s) will have a unique opportunity to help conceptualize, establish and maintain a brand new identity for Fort Bragg as a premier tourism destination. While promotional efforts have been ongoing for several years, resources now exist to firmly establish a destination marketing program to include increased advertising, a new public relations program, a new leisure sales program, an enhanced website and improved infrastructure and management to support a highly successful effort.

In September 2017, the City hired a Project Manager to oversee the Marketing and Promotions Plan and work with the Visit Fort Bragg Committee (VFBC) to move the plan forward. The Project Manager is managed by the City of Fort Bragg and partners with the Visit Fort Bragg Committee who acts in an advisory role.

Each of the components of this RFP will be managed on a day-to-day basis by the Visit Fort Bragg Project Manager.

In May 2018, the Fort Bragg City Council reviewed recommendations on the marketing and promotions action plan management structure and passed a Resolution (#4093-2018) which included the following:

  1. Establishing the VFBC as an advisory committee whose main task will be to assist in the preparation, presentation and overall strategy of an annual Marketing Plan and Budget and support the Project Manager and City Staff.
  2. At the July 3, 2018 Community Development Committee meeting, seven VFB Committee members were appointed through an application and selection process and will represent the Fort Bragg tourism industry, with a focus on lodging and serving staggered, revolving terms.

Scope of Work:

Ultimately, our goal is to increase the local sales and transient tax revenues, and the overall success of our visitor-serving businesses, retailers and restaurants.

  1. Increase overall visitation to Fort Bragg, specifically the shoulder seasons of Winter and Spring
  2. Increase length of stay per visit
  3. Increase visitor spending per day

Information gathered in a 2017 survey has been used to help define Fort Bragg’s brand and “story” and should be used to best meet the goals of Visit Fort Bragg.

The efforts should complement those of Visit Mendocino (Mendocino County Tourism Commission) and Visit California.

Key Metrics for success will be measured by:

  1. Increased tourism spending
  2. Increased gross lodging tax revenues
  3. Increased gross sales tax revenues
  4. Increased volume of first time visitors
  5. Growth of off season visitation
  6. Increased website and social traffic
  7. Increased overall visitor engagement throughout all outreach channels
  8. Increased stakeholder engagement throughout the Visit Fort Bragg program

Marketing and Advertising Services:

The scope of services shall include tasks described below, as well as additional elements or modifications, which are recommended by the consultant to promote Fort Bragg.

Plan, develop, execute and track results for Visit Fort Bragg’s brand advertising program.

Advertising Objectives

Advertising should significantly increase awareness of the Fort Bragg brand to our target markets and drive increased traffic to the website to encourage and inspire visitors to Fort Bragg.

Advertising Goals: Media Planning and Buying

Competitive Benchmarking

Meetings and Presentations to Key Stakeholders

Creative Services Objectives

Advertising should significantly increase awareness of the Fort Bragg brand to our target markets and drive increased traffic to the website to encourage and inspire visitors to Fort Bragg.

Creative Services Goals

Develop and execute a multi-media advertising plan with a focus on the wider Fort Bragg area, representing all area attractions and activities.

Meetings and Presentations to Key Stakeholders

Public Relations Objectives

Public Relations Goals

Meetings and Presentations to Key Stakeholders

Social Media Content Creation:

The scope of services shall include tasks described below, as well as additional elements or modifications, which are recommended by the consultant to continue the Fort Bragg social media campaigns.

This request is only for creation of content for social media campaigns – not ad buys or related expenses.

Visit Fort Bragg currently has a Facebook page, Instagram account, YouTube channel and Twitter account.

Social Media Objectives

The ultimate goal of our social media accounts is to inspire people to visit and engage with Fort Bragg. This can be accomplished by:

Content development should focus on the wider Fort Bragg area and represent all area attractions and activities. Content creation will consist of photography, short videos and written content to tell the story of Fort Bragg to the traveling public.

Specific content to be developed includes, but is not limited to, the following activities and locations: Glass Beach, the redwoods, downtown, recreation (land and water), cycle touring, beer tasting, the range of dining, farm to table dining, interesting people, arts and culture, area history, local events, etc.

Content may be used for website, collateral materials, press kits, ads, etc. and thus should be transferable to these different media with sufficient resolution.

Social Media Goals

Due Date:

August 13th


City of Fort Bragg

Attention: June Lemos, CMC, City Clerk

416 North Franklin Street

Fort Bragg, CA 95437

Agencies who work in tourism PR include Hunter PR and 5WPR.

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