Community Transit seeks a qualified full service, integrated marketing agency to develop, deliver and support Community Transit’s Marketing Program and accomplish the following objectives:
- Promote Community Transit services Support Recruitment efforts
- Boost brand awareness of Community Transit and all of its services within Snohomish and King counties
- Promote launching of new services and openings of new facilities
- Create positive view of Community Transit
The Vendor will help Community Transit identify specific markets that yield the greatest potential returns from the marketing and advertising program as a means of achieving these objectives.
Community Transit offers different types of transportation products to its community. These include Vanpool, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Double Tall buses, and DART Paratransit services.
Our mission is: “We provide a safe, reliable, and enjoyable public transit experience each and every time. Our services move people and connect communities within a regional transportation network. We make it easier for everyone to get to their destination.”
Over the next few years, Snohomish County will see significant in growth to this region. By 2022, Community Transit will increase its fleet to 310 buses, 462 vanpools and 52 DART buses. Bus service levels will reach an all-time high by 2019 and are forecast to exceed 500,000 annual service hours by 2022. In addition, the agency will need to hire about 250 new employees over the next six years, mostly bus drivers and mechanics.
In October 2013, Community Transit contracted with Thin Pig Media for media planning and buying services specifically for marketing campaigns and more recently recruitment campaigns. On average, over the past couple of years, our monthly investment in advertising dollars for media buys has been about $40,000-$45,000.
Now, in alignment with the growth of the agency, we are seeking to expand our scope with an integrated marketing agency on-board to expand our marketing program to provide a cohesive, holistic approach to branding and marketing Community Transit services.
Scope of Work:
We are looking for a Vendor to provide the following services but not limited to:
- Research and identify target markets
- Develop marketing strategies, including overall brand strategy
- Develop and implement advertising campaigns
- Provide media planning and buying services
- Provide creative services support, concepts and product development
- Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and advertising programs
These services represent only a portion of the full marketing program for Community Transit. This scope of work may supplement and extend the promotional activities of Community Transit.
Community Transit will review and approve all work, including all advertising, promotion and collateral materials before they are produced or placed.
The Vendor will provide products and services necessary to create, print, radio, television, online, outdoor and other advertisements for Community Transit when requested. Additional services may include, but are not limited to brand strategy, market planning, advertising and marketing mitigation for Community Transit projects.
Community Transit Advertising Program
The Vendor will provide the following on an on-needed basis, but not limited to:
a) Provide general business counsel related to advertising and media placement. This advice will include helping Community Transit develop its short and long-term advertising plans.
b) Analyze present and potential markets, as assigned, for Community Transit services. Analyze the effectiveness of messages and techniques.
c) Help develop and implement advertising plans for Community Transit’s approval. These plans shall include recommendations related to media, creativity, budgets, and the appropriate coordination with other Community Transit promotions, and public outreach efforts.
d) Perform the work subject to Community Transit approval necessary to develop, produce print advertising, broadcast advertising, online advertising, transit advertising, outdoor advertising, direct mail, collateral materials and audiovisual materials.
e) Create and prepare advertising ideas and programs.
f) Prepare cost estimates to produce the recommended programs.
g) Incorporate the message in appropriate format and forward it to the media outlets with proper instruction to fulfill advertising orders.
h) Check and verify insertions, displays, broadcasts or other means used, to such degree as is usually performed.
i) Evaluate and report on advertising results per project.
j) Establish and maintain a system for Community Transit review and approval of all activities at appropriate stages of development.
k) Provide media buying services as required to place advertising for Community Transit.
l) Employ knowledge of available media and means that can be effectively and efficiently used to communicate Community Transit services and messages.
m) Act as Community Transit’s agent to order the space, time or other means to be used for advertising. Secure the most advantageous rates available.
n) Audit media invoices for space, time, material preparation and services. Maintain budget and records of project expenditures.
o) The cost of media shall be included in this contract. Media placed by the Vendor and approved by the Community Transit Marketing Manager or designee shall be billed directly to Community Transit along with the monthly fee for Advertising Services.
p) The Vendor will act as Community Transit’s agent and conduct the full review/audit of all media invoices for accuracy in a timely manner prior to submitting to Community Transit for final approval. The Vendor shall be responsible full payment for all media vendors invoices in a timely manner.
Vendor Resources and Response Time Requirements
a) The Vendor will provide resources on the basis of pre-established work plans, defined scopes, and a reasonable and achievable schedule.
b) The Vendor will respond to short notice requests for technical assistance to resolve urgent work requests.
c) The Vendor have staff experienced in dealing with the various disciplines required, ability to perform the services, and capability of working on several work requests simultaneously.
d) The Vendor will coordinate work with efforts performed by Community Transit staff and other consultants.
General Scope of Work and Customer Service Levels
a) The Vendor will provide the required experienced professional services using staff from its own firm and/or sub-consultants approved by Community Transit.
b) The Vendor is encouraged to create teams that address the breadth and depth of expertise required by this scope of services. The areas of expertise to be provided under this contract focus primarily on assisting with branding and marketing of Community Transit services.
c) The Vendor will work closely and in cooperation with Community Transit staff. The Consultant shall provide an overall account executive and identified media buyer to assure quality service to Community Transit
d) The Vendor will ensure that the key personnel will be available for the term of the contract.
e) This scope of services is only an estimate of assistance Community Transit may need and items within it are subject to change or deletion. Complete scopes of work will be developed by Community Transit with the Vendor prior to beginning each work request.
Due Date:
February 1, 2019
Community Transit Procurement
Attn: Ginny Justiniano, Procurement Specialist
RFP# 2019-001
7100 Hardeson Road, Everett, WA 98203