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Crystal Coast Tourism Development Authority Request For Proposal – Public Relations

Crystal Coast Tourism Development Authority


This announcement is a summary of the Request for Proposal for Public Relations services. Interested agencies MUST contact Rita LeClair,, no later than 3:00 pm on 3/10/2022 to register and receive the complete RFP.  Proposals from firms not registered will not be accepted.




The CCTDA requires a proposer to provide public relations initiatives including, but not limited to, strategic planning, partnership opportunities, media relations and activated media events and programs, content creation and distribution. From time to time, support may be required for travel trade media FAM trips as well as support for domestic media projects and events.  The firm will:



The CCTDA will determine if a conflict of intertest exists among entities with which the firm has current or future relationships. Such conflicts of interest are generally considered to be other coastal destinations from Virginia Beach, VA, south through Hilton Head Island, SC. The existence of any such relationship (either ongoing or project based) does not necessarily create a conflict of interest. However, the firm will be expected to disclose, immediately, any travel industry-related entities with which it has a relationship. The CCTDA will make the final determination as to whether a conflict of interest exists now or in the future.

Agencies are asked to seek permission of any other destination client before responding to this RFP.

Proposal Package:

While also showcasing your style, experiences and approach, please provide the following information in the order listed below:

  1. Cover Page.
  2. Business Profile – including location of main office and branch offices, and year established.
  3. Brief summary of company background and history.
  4. Professional tourism experience, with a minimum of three tourism client references.
  5. Personnel, inclusive of lead and supporting roles and relevant experience.
  6. Firm Experience and Qualifications:
    1. Please provide two examples of similar projects with other similar size destination organizations.
    2. A background with presenting vacation rental experiences will be extremely important component of the selection process.
    3. Provide several samples of press releases/pitches demonstrating strong writing techniques and creativity.
    4. What is the method you use to present both monthly activities and measurable results of your public relations campaigns? Please provide examples.
    5. Briefly describe your knowledge and understanding of the Crystal Coast’s existing assets as they relate to tourism campaign programs. Cite examples that have great equity or potential for PR travel opportunities.
  7. How will your firm collaborate with our selected Advertising Agency of Record on all integrated efforts?
  8. Total cost (including a breakdown of services available, but not included in the RFP).

Please note that your proposal will form an integral part of the contract.


March 1, 2022:                   RFP published

March 10, 2022:                Deadline to register for receipt of full RFP package

March 18, 2022:               Questions Due by 3:00 pm

March 25, 2022:               Responses to questions published

April 15, 2022:                   Proposals Due by 3:00 pm

April 26 – 29, 2022:           *Committee reviews proposals

May 10, 2022:                    *Recommendation on PR Firm to hire made to full board of directors

July 1. 2022:                       Contract Begins

*Review periods subject to change based on committee and board schedules

Selection Process:

Proposals will be valuated by the Crystal Coast tourism Development Authority Executive Director and Marketing Committee, in consultation and with direction from the CCTDA Board of Directors. During the evaluation process, the CCTDA reserves the right to request additional information or clarifications from those submitting the proposals.

Based on the number of proposals submitted, a short list may be selected for telephone or Zoom interviews. The CCTDA may interview none, one or all agencies who submitted proposals. CCTDA reserves the right to negotiate modifications to the proposals that it deems acceptable, reject any or all proposals, and to waive minor irregularities in the procedures.

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