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The Texas General Land Office (“GLO”) and the Veterans Land Board (“VLB”), (collectively the “Agency,”) are seeking proposals from qualified vendors to assist the GLO in enhancing the Agency’s Historically Underutilized Business (“HUB”) Program through the provision of marketing, outreach efforts, education, and training. The selected vendor will also review the current Agency processes for the HUB program and assist the Agency in developing and updating processes for efficiency, effectiveness, compliance, and best practices. The mission of the Agency’s HUB program is to educate HUBs on doing business with the State of Texas. The Agency is committed to promoting opportunities for these small and historically disadvantaged businesses to compete for the Agency’s purchases and contracts. It is Agency’s intent to provide a program that will advance and enhance participation from such vendors with respect to the VLB’s Texas State Veterans Home (“TSVH”) program, projects for the GLO’s Community Development and Revitalization (“CDR”) division, and if necessary, any other areas of the Agency. The GLO will consider proposals from Respondents that demonstrate the ability to implement the requested services in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations, including the Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) rules and requirements, and Chapter 164 of the Texas Natural Resources Code. Respondents must execute Exhibit A, General Affirmations and Solicitation Acceptance, Exhibit B, Federal Affirmations, and complete other items listed on the Submission Checklist in Article VIII of this Solicitation to be considered. Additional information on the Agency and its programs can be found at and


The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program was created to promote full and equal procurement opportunities for small, minority- and women-owned businesses. Companies interested in doing business with the State are encouraged to become HUBcertified by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Businesses eligible for HUB certification must be at least 51 percent owned by one or more persons who are economically disadvantaged due to their identification as members of certain groups. The groups include Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Native Americans, Service-Disabled Veterans, and Women. These individuals must have a proportionate interest and demonstrate active participation in the control, operation, and management of the business’ affairs. 

A HUB must also have its principal place of business in the State of Texas. A primary strategic goal of the Agency is to develop and enhance outreach, develop working relationships, and maintain those relationships with HUBs. The Agency currently has existing procedures and policiesin place that facilitate relationships with HUB vendors. The services requested under this Solicitation will enhance the Agency’s performance in, and provide feedback and facilitate outreach for, the HUB program.

Scope of Work:

The Agency seeks an entity to provide services to enhance the Agency’s HUB Program. Provider shall perform services specific to certain Agency divisions including, but not limited to, identifying HUBs, developing a work plan to enhance the Agency HUB program as it relates the assigning Agency division, developing procedures required to administer the plan for the specific Agency division, and identifying possible methods to increase participation of HUBs in the competitive procurement process of specific Agency divisions. Such services will be specified in Work Orders issued under the contract awarded for this Solicitation. All services assigned in a Work Order, collectively, will be considered a “Project.”

To increase awareness about the HUB Program and prepare vendors to compete for contracts with various Agency divisions, Provider will perform outreach efforts including meetings with small, minority- and women-owned businesses, delivering technical support regarding HUB certification, as well as hosting trainings and networking events. The required services will be used primarily for procurements involving the VLB’s Texas State Veterans Homes and projects for the GLO’s Community Development and Revitalization division but, if necessary, may extend to all other areas of the Agency. Respondent must provide a detailed narrative in its Solicitation Response, demonstrating the experience and ability to perform all requested services described below. Respondent must indicate if it intends to provide these services in house, with existing staff, or through subcontracting or partnership arrangements. The selected Provider shall perform the following HUB program supportive services at the Agency’s request: 

1. For each Project involving the enhancement of the Agency’s HUB Program for a specific Agency division:

a. Participate in a Project Kick-off meeting Provider shall be expected to participate in a Project kick-off meeting with Agency stakeholders to discuss project goals, timelines, expectations of deliverables, and points of contact for the Agency and Provider. 

b. Develop a Project Work Plan Provider shall develop a Project work plan describing the methodology for accomplishing the Agency HUB Program goals and completing all Project tasks, to include the procedures required to administer the work plan and the time frame estimated for each task. The Project work plan must be finalized by Provider and approved by the Agency before the Agency will authorize Provider to perform additional Project tasks. The plan should include, but not be limited to: 

i. Techniques to enhance the Agency’s HUB program for the specified division;

ii. Techniques to help small and minority-owned businesses become HUBcertified;

iii. Methods to encourage HUBs to apply for Agency solicitations;

iv. Public information and outreach strategies to reach HUBs; and

v. A training plan that shall include training opportunities and development and implementation of a training curriculum. The training plan should also include proposed trainer qualifications and experience and training facility requirements. 

c. Provide Training to HUBs In accordance with its training plan developed under Task 1.b.v., above, Provider shall provide training and technical assistance, including business development services, in order to prepare businesses to compete for the specific Agency division contracts. The training curriculum should be tailored to HUB businesses. Provider shall submit the following to the Agency for approval prior to providing the training:

• Detailed training schedule and curriculum;

• Training materials; and 

• Surveys to be administered by Provider to attendees at the completion of each course to assess the effectiveness of the training. The results of the surveys shall be provided to the Agency.

d. Develop a Project marketing plan Provider shall develop a marketing plan to promote the Agency’s HUB program as it relates to a specific Agency division or event. The marketing plan could include, but not be limited to, flyers, social media, and creation of a webpage.

Respondent should include the cost of all proposed marketing materials and services in the Cost Proposal.

e. Prepare Project reports, as requested in the Work Order or as directed by the Project Manager.

i. Monthly status reports including, at a minimum, the following information:

• Number of trainings held including participant sign-in sheets and copies of training surveys as described above;

• Number of outreach activities conducted;

• Number of training and technical assistance activities conducted; and

• Number of networking events held. ii. Periodic statistic reports including, at a minimum, the following information:

• Lists of vendors that attended outreach events;

• Minutes of one-on-one meetings held for business development;

• Lists of certified HUBs that bid on Agency contract opportunities; and

• Lists of vendors requiring HUB certification.

f. Teleconference or videoconference meetings with Agency staff, at the Agency’s request. Provider shall be responsible for performing, at a minimum, the following duties relating to meetings:

• Preparation and dissemination of meeting agenda; and

• Preparation and dissemination of meeting minutes.

2. Provide general services for the Agency HUB program as it relates to specific Agency divisions or events. Such services may include, but are not limited to:

• Compiling list of certified HUBs for GLO use; and

• Identifying potential prime GLO subcontractors to pair with qualified HUBs for the mentor protégé program.


The deliverables listed below are provided as examples; Respondent may provide more detail or different Project milestones, depending upon its proposed solution and Project work plan. Payment of Provider’s invoices is contingent upon the Agency’s acceptance of deliverables received during the billing period.

2. Provider participation in a Project kick-off meeting to be scheduled by assigning Agency division no later than ten (10) days after Work Order execution.

3. Project work plan and schedule, as described above, due no later than twenty (20) days after Work Order execution. Project work plan will be approved by the assigning Agency division.

4. Marketing plan for the Project, as described above, due thirty (30) days after Work Order execution. Final marketing plan will be approved by the assigning Agency division.

5. Monthly status reports, due by the 10th day of the month following the reporting period. Periodic statistics reports, as directed in the Work Order or by the Project Manager.

Due Date:

July 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. CDT


Solicitation Point of Contact: Kenneth Maze, CTCD Kenneth.Maze@GLO.Texas.Gov

Agencies to consider include Finn Partners and Ketchum PR.

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