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The Office of Public Affairs is committed to advancing Veterans’ Healthcare and benefits.  The Office of Public Affairs would like to procure a three-year (base plus two option years) contract for this radio programming. 


Since October 2019, the Cincinnati VA Medical Center Office of Public Affairs has been conducting a weekly one-hour radio program that offers the Cincinnati VA Medical Center the opportunity to frequently provide awareness and education to the fifteen county catchment area of the Veteran population that the Cincinnati VA Medical Center services. The one-hour weekly radio program content is solely organized and controlled by the Cincinnati VA Medical Center Office of Public Affairs which will generally focus on VA Healthcare benefits, how and ways Veterans can enroll, and the types of services and locations Veterans can access from the Cincinnati VA Medical Center. The use of the radio program is part of the overall outreach plan of the Medical Center strategic initiative for growth of new unique Veterans which results in financial reimbursement to the Medical Center operational budget.

Cincinnati VAMC needs a vendor who is capable of providing digital media communications through other radio communications that consists of audio streaming and podcasting.  These additional communications besides the weekly radio program provide a unique communication package via radio in the demographic area that specifically targets the same demographic areas as the Cincinnati VA Medical Centers market county catchment areas that services Veterans.

Scope of Work:

Specific Tasks (ST):  

Standards: All radio and digital media communication messages, content, and representation is full controlled and managed by the VAMC Office of Public Affairs staff.

Tasks Standards – The following table summarizes the tasks required under this PWS.

Radio Show Recordings are made available on air at 1pm each Saturdayweekly
(:30) second live commercial spots are delivered Monday-Friday between 6am-9am during a drive time morning radio programdaily
1 live radio guest appearance for a minimum of a 5-minute segmentPeriod of Performance
(:30) Commercials to air in Prime Monday-Friday 5a-8p, Pre-Game and Weekends during Cincinnati Reds Broadcasts81 Cincinnati Reds Games 
(:30) Commercials to air in Prime Mon-Friday 5a-8p, Cincinnati Bengals Focused Shows Mon-Friday 3-6p and Sunday Morning Pre-Game113 during Cincinnati Bengals season from September 2021 to December 2021
1,000,000 (:15/:30/:60) Audio Spots on radio streamingPeriod of Performance
1,555,556 (:15/:30) Audio Spots on Podcast Network stationsPeriod of Performance

If services and products do not conform to contract requirements, the Government may require the contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract requirements, at no additional cost to the Government, if appropriate.

Place of Performance: 

Cincinnati VAMC

3200 Vine St

Cincinnati, OH 45220

Period of Performance:

Base year:                         3/29/2021 – 3/28/2022 

Option Year 1:   3/29/2022 – 3/28/2023 

Option Year 2:   3/29/2023 – 3/28/2024 

Due Date:

Mar 02, 2021 04:00 pm EST


Dionna T. Jones-Banks / Contracting Officer

Relevant agencies include Zeno Group and Finn Partners.

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