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District of Columbia Developmental Disabilities Council Issues Marketing RFP

The Office of Contracting and Procurement on behalf of the District of Columbia Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) seeks a vendor to work closely with DDC members and staff to create and select a new logo and marketing materials to create a dynamic brand that will appeal to many audiences and be translated into languages widely used in the District.


The DDC is a appointed body established in accordance with the mandates of the DC Developmental Disabilities Basic State Grant Program. The grant program is authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, Public Law 106-402 (42 USC 15001), dated October 30, 2000 (DD Act). The DDC is a federally funded program charged with identifying the most pressing needs of people with developmental disabilities in the District of Columbia. The DDC addresses these needs through systems change and capacity building efforts that promote self-determination, integration and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities. The DDC, which serves a culturally diverse population, is committed to upholding the aspects of the DD Act which mandate that “services, supports other assistance are provided in a culturally competent manner, that individuals from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds are fully included in all activities under this Act and that greater efforts are made to recruit individuals from minority backgrounds into the field of developmental disabilities.” In addition, the DDC addresses the needs of those individuals with the severest of developmental disabilities, a population that historically has been unserved or underserved.

Scope of Work:

The DDC logo has not been updated in over 15 years and we are in dire need of a fresh look! We need to appeal to a broader DC community and do a better job of explaining what it is that we do. We believe a new brochure, along with new marketing materials displaying our logo, will create visibility and inspire people to join our movement to create positive change with people with developmental disabilities and their families


• The contractor shall design and deliver a new agency logo for the DC Developmental Disabilities Council: develop and present no less than five (5) logos for edits and feedback; make revisions to two (2) logos for internal review and selection; make refinements to a single (1) logo for final approval. The final approved logo must be delivered as a high-resolution (minimum of 300 dpi) vector file that can be used online and in print and that meets 508 accessibility standards. The contractor shall provide the chosen logo in color, in white with a black background, and in black with a white background.
• The designs shall reflect the mission of the DDC, which is, “to strengthen the voice of people with developmental disabilities and their families in DC in support of greater independence, inclusion, empowerment, and the pursuit of life as they choose. We strive to create change that eliminates discrimination and removes barriers to full inclusion through our advocacy.”
• The contractor shall produce a DDC letterhead file in Microsoft Word with the chosen logo and contact information for the DDC.
• The contractor shall work with DDC staff and the Marketing and Branding Committee of the DDC to develop an informational brochure that explains DDC activities and goals, contains diverse images of people with and without disabilities, and can be used online and in print, meeting 508 accessibility standards. The contractor shall provide an editable file of the final brochure to DDC staff.
• The contractor shall secure all necessary licensing and permissions for any images used. Images should be unique and represent people from diverse racial, ethnic, and disability groups. Images of people with disabilities should be realistic and to the extent possible, modeled by people who actually have disabilities in real life.
• The contractor shall, either through current staff capacity or through a sub-contract with a culturally competent and experienced translation team, translate the brochure from English into Spanish, French, Amharic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and a video of American Sign Language (ASL). The video shall have voice over and English captions. The video shall be submitted to DDC staff in a format that can easily be uploaded to the web, including social media. The design team should also do any necessary re-formatting of the brochure after translation in order to ensure a clean design.
• The contractor shall design and produce a personalized retractable tabletop banner no larger than 41” (height) by 33” (width) that displays the new DDC logo, website, tag line, and image. The tag line and image to be used will be chosen by DDC staff and members.

Due Date:

January 25th, 2019


One Judiciary Square
441 4th Street, NW, 729 North,
Washington, DC 20001

W2O group has extensive healthcare experience.

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