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Due Date: December 9, 2022

I. Statement of Purpose

The purpose and intent of this Request for Proposal (“hereinafter referred to as “RFP”) is to solicit proposals from qualified FIRMS to develop a marketing campaign for seasonal jobs within the City of Dublin, including, but not limited to, lifeguards and camp counselors.

The successful FIRM must demonstrate its capability to adequately meet all the requirements of this RFP. The FIRM must be able to commence the rendition of services on the execution of a mutual agreement.

II. Scope of Work

The City of Dublin is seeking proposals from qualified firms to begin developing a marketing campaign and supporting materials commencing immediately upon execution of a Public Services Agreement, with initial campaign deliverables completed by January 15.

THE CITY OF DUBLIN will provide:

FIRM will provide:


 The City of Dublin requires the marketing campaign, plan and initial supporting materials to be completed by January 15, and all campaign deliverables by February 1.

III. Budget

The budget for campaign, marketing plan and supporting materials and performance report(s) is not to exceed $15,000.

IV. Minimum Criteria for Proposer:

V. Term of Contract

The term of the contract resulting from this solicitation shall begin upon the execution of an agreement and will expire upon the delivery of all required materials and reports.

VI. Contractual Terms and Conditions

The selected firm will be required to sign a Professional Services Agreement with the City of Dublin that will control the relationship.

VII. Proposal Response Format

Proposals submitted for consideration should follow the format and order of presentation described below:

Assumptions and Agreements.

VIII. Proposal Submission

If you have any questions regarding this RFP, please contact Lindsay Weisenauer, Director of Communications & Public

Information or 614.704.9742.

All proposals must be received via email on or before 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 2022, at the following email address:

IX. Award Selection Criteria

The following qualifications and criteria will be utilized by representatives of the City of Dublin in the selection process:

 Demonstrated understanding of the assignment with respect to the characteristics of the City of Dublin

 Demonstrated success with similar projects and scopes of work

 Creativity and potential of marketing communications plan proposal

 The total proposed cost will be a factor in selecting the successful proposer

The selected FIRM will be notified by close of business on December 16.

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