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Edward Eichler Named Vice President For TransVoyant

Edward Eichler Named Vice President of Customer Support for TransVoyant

TransVoyant, a SAAS PR company and supply chain predictive analysis company, recently revealed that they’re naming Edward Eichler as the VP (Vice President) of Customer Success and delivery. According to a press release issued by the company, Ed will be bringing extensive experience in technology management to the role, alongside enterprise solution architecture knowledge and insight into service operations.

Edward Eichler has already proven himself to be an incredible addition to the TransVoyant team. As VP of customer success, he will be drawing on more than 25 years of experience in SaaS, On-Premise and cloud-based enterprise applications. Over the years, Ed has developed his skills in everything from go-to-market strategies, lifecycle planning, project management and customer support. The TransVoyant brand believes that Ed’s skills will contribute to their commitment to meet with the needs of clients and customers.

Building on the TransVoyant Roadmap

The decision to name Edward Eichler as VP of customer service is part of TransVoyant’s overall plan to continue offering innovative and high-quality solutions to those in the supply chain and predictive analysis space. Already, the organization is at the forefront of predictive analysis and supply chain management, offering support for IoT devices, social media, video cameras, smartphones, radars, and sensors for brands around the world.

TransVoyant collects and manage more than one trillion events each day, which gives them one of the biggest repositories of real-time data available. Since their launch in 2012, TransVoyant has been constantly analyzing these huge amounts of data with proprietary machine learning strategies, establishing learned behavior models for lanes, ports, carriers, and other global supply chain nodes.

The innovative behavior models that TransVoyant creates, along with their continuous and high-quality analysis of predicted and real-time global events should give them the ability to predict variability, lead times, opportunities, disruptions, and variabilities, as well as initiating actions that reduce costs for clients and increase revenues.

Edward Eichler’s Position of VP of Customer Support

As Vice President of customer success and delivery, Edward Eichler will be responsible for TransVoyant’s customer service team. He will be managing and building the company’s Delivery and Success people and processes, leveraging both current and future resources in the TransVoyant pipeline. The creation of this role is incredibly important to the brand’s quest for future growth. By offering support to ensure that customers get the most out of their supply chain experiences with TransVoyant, Ed should help to guide the company towards their next level of success.

Currently, Edward Eichler works in the TransVoyant corporate office found in Virginia, Alexandria. Alongside his extensive background in the industry, Ed also comes to the role with an MS in Management Systems and a BS in Industrial management from Clarkson University. Ed also holds a Professional Certification in project management which indicates his aptitude for the current role.

Before working with TransVoyant, Ed held a number of impressive positions with other leading organizations including the Oracle Corporate, Impexium and Tier1 Incorporated. He’s no doubt looking forward to taking on his new responsibilities as the VP of Customer service and success at the TransVoyant headquarters.

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