Everything PR News

How To Use Video By Controlling The Narrative

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An interview with Robert Weiss of Multivision Digital

More PR firms are becoming proactive with integrating video content into their client’s communication strategy.  That’s because they know that online video content drives their ability to control the narrative, build brand equity and is a sustainable piece of content that provides a huge ROI.  But still, there are many PR firms that don’t see the value, or for whatever reason, are not pushing their clients to provide video content assets.

Why should PR Firms be asking their clients for online video content?

Online video content has become the content of choice for people; in both their consumer and business lives.  And Google also knows this and gives preference to the best content that provides answers to their customers’ questions…and that is video. 

When you have videos to post, either on your site or on social, they will give people information from you vs another source and have a better chance of showing up higher in search engines, pushing down any other content.  Since video allows you to tell and show the story that you want to tell, video allows you to control the narrative in the most informative and engaging way possible.

What makes video so impactful to controlling a narrative during a crisis / reputation management engagement?

Showing people is more effective than telling them.  What video does better than text is making things personably relatable; in social media, on your website, in industry publications and in press releases.  In a crisis / reputation management situation use video to give information to reporters, in response to a post or comment.  Instead of impersonal “canned” text responses, you can give a high-touch, personal feel of what is going on at your company and the steps you are taking to fix any issue at hand.

When you present videos that show your side of the story and the front line people who are working hard to resolve the issue, it goes a long way in controlling the narrative. 

One of the things that PR Firms, and clients, LOVE about video is that it typically lasts for a long time.  A well thought out video strategy will allot you a series of videos.  These videos can be used in either a pro-active or in response to news outlets that are creating negative stories and convince the public that you are doing what you can do to resolve the issue at hand.

Should we have a spokesperson doing these videos?

Having a video marketing strategy means that you are proactive in creating bite-size snippets of video content that inform and educate viewers that are real, transparent and believable. Spokespeople will be seen as too polished, been there heard that and thus fake, so your video strategy should focus on the “Who, How and Why”.   Use the people at your company talking about what they do and what they are doing.  If you are dealing with a crisis / reputation management issue, for example, you should have a series of videos that highlight what you are doing to resolve the issue. Be transparent. Be professional and let your team tell their story on what they are doing and how they are working hard to resolve the issue.  Just like they would if a journalist or customer would be standing in front of them…but have them do it in front of a camera.

While these are just a couple examples / use cases, there are many ways that PR firms can be proactive in using video content to WOW their clients.  For more info on building a video content strategy for your clients, check out MultiVision Digital

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