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Malibu Issues Communications RFP


The City of Malibu is seeking proposals from qualified firms to augment the City’s media team’s ongoing communications work and provide communication and outreach strategies to increase community engagement and awareness of City activities citywide.


The City of Malibu (City) is a coastal city located in the northwestern portion of Los Angeles County, California has a population of approximately 13,000. The City was incorporated in 1991, operates under the Council/Manager form of government and is considered a contract city. The five members of the City Council are elected at-large. They serve staggered four-year terms, with the Mayor being selected from among the Council Members. The City covers approximately 21 miles along the coast and offers a full range of municipal services. The City has 80 full-time employees and 13 full-time equivalent part-time employees. The City, organized into 7 departments, provides a number of services in-house including management and administrative services, building safety, community services, environmental sustainability, planning, public works and engineering.

Police and fire services are provided via contract with Los Angeles County. Other services such as the City Attorney, water, street maintenance and garbage collection services are also provided via contract or from Los Angeles County. The City of Malibu’s Adopted Fiscal Year 2019-2020 General Fund Operating Budget is $31.7 million. The City’s media team is responsible for the management and development of the City’s communications and public relations through the use of traditional media outlets, the internet and social media. 

The media team develops content, graphics, printed materials and videos to promote and support City activities. As part of this work, the media team maintains the City’s website, social media platforms and the Malibu City TV which is also available for viewing on the City’s website and YouTube channel.

Scope of Work:

The selected firm shall augment the City’s media team’s ongoing communications work and provide communication and outreach strategies to increase community engagement and awareness of City activities citywide including

1. Review and monitor the use of the City’s communication channels including social media platforms, the city’s media channels, print materials, videos, surveys, and other communication methods

2. Create and schedule posts to City’s social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor

3. Develop content for the City’s website and website generated e-notifications and messaging

4. Draft written materials including press releases, Letters to the Editor, and op-ed pieces

5. Develop communication campaigns to help launch new City initiatives

6. Identify topics for press releases, Letters to the Editor, op-ed pieces, City website and media campaigns based on knowledge of city activities and priorities

7. Review Council Agendas and Meetings, City website, and local news for opportunities for information sharing with the public

8. Facilitate communication strategy discussions with designated City contact(s)

9. Develop a strategic communication plan to increase community engagement and awareness of civic activities, projects and programs 10.Provide leadership and direction for the implementation and maintenance of a citywide strategic communication plan 

11.Advise department’s social media managers on the use of department’s social media platforms

12.Develop and maintain a 12-month calendar for City communications and a related implementation plan

13.Answer communication related questions, develop strategies, stakeholder outreach or otherwise aid in the City’s communication efforts as needed

14.Have sufficient staffing to provide media support 7 days a week as needed

15.Assist with messaging and all communication related tasks as needed during emergencies

Proposal is due January 6 to:

Elizabeth Shavelson, Assistant to the City Manager

City of Malibu

23825 Stuart Ranch Road

Malibu, CA 90265

Relevant agencies to consider include Hunter PR and MWWPR.

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