We asked some experts for predictions on what marketing and PR will look like next year, and received interesting commentary.
Mike Paffmann, CEO of recently formed Virgo PR says that 2021 will be a year of change, as well as growth for public relations and marketing firms of all sizes. Paffmann says, “Media relations will matter as it always has, influencers will keep growing and so will social media campaigns. Clients will realize the need for strategic Public Relations more than ever before to grow their brand. Properly communicating is vital for companies of all size.”
Matter Communications say that next year will see a number of changes, including that “Integrated Campaigns will drive More Demand, Live Video will grow radically, Influencer Trust Peaks, Podcasts will Rule the Airwaves, and Internal Communications will Take Center Stage.”
Avinash Chandra, founder and CEO, BrandLoom said, “Given the rise of the digital era, I think mobile advertising and video marketing are going to gain a lot of popularity in the coming year. People, mostly, stay glued to the phone screens these days. The story ‘ad’ format has become quite popular. In fact, it has been adopted by social media giants like LinkedIn and Youtube. So, yes, mobile advertising can help you reach your customers conveniently and increase brand awareness. Also, you can create short, engaging videos and interact with your potential audience in a fun way. In present times, people want direct and fast communications and video marketing can do wonders and help you build brand loyalty.”
James Marques, Founder, Iconic Genius said that, “Social commerce is one of the hottest trends in digital marketing today, and it looks to have an even bigger impact in 2021.”
From mobile to influencers, media relations to podcasts we at Everything-PR firmly believe next year will be a year of growth for the entire marketing and public relations industry.