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The Middletown Transit District (aka Middletown Area Transit [MAT]) and the Estuary Transit District (aka Nine Town Transit [ETD]) are merging to become one transit operating entity.  This will be accomplished by the member municipalities withdrawing from MAT and joining ETD.  MAT and ETD both operate fixed-route and demand-response paratransit service.  In addition, ETD operates deviated fixed-route service and a micro-transit service (“XtraMile”).  While the legal name of the merged entity will remain Estuary Transit District, this engagement will develop a new brand identity for the expanded ETD.  Most of the existing logos, logotypes, color schemes, and vehicle and print graphics for MAT and ETD can be found on their respective websites: www.middletownareatransit.organd  In addition, prospective offerors may view MAT and ETD vehicles, fare media, and other printed materials at the pre-proposal meeting.

Scope of Work

The Estuary Transit District (ETD) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms, individuals, or teams to assist with re-branding the transit agency as outlined in the Scope of work.

Task 1: Inventory Places Where Branding is Displayed  The contractor will develop a complete inventory of places where the existing MAT and ETD branding is displayed and to be replaced by new branding for the expanded ETD.  The inventory will include, but not be limited to, the following:  

 Signage at transit facilities

 Signage at bus stops

 Printed materials such as letterhead, business cards, forms, newsletters, schedules, brochures, etc.

 Fare media (e.g., tickets, passes, transfers, etc.)

 Employee uniforms

 Employee ID

 Website

 Vehicle livery (NOTE: ETD intends to retain the unique livery for XtraMile buses.)

Task 2: Develop Initial List of Possible Names, Logos, Logotypes, and Color Schemes for ETD

The contractor will create five to ten unique brand names for the expanded ETD and a logo and logotype for each brand name.  The firm will also suggest possible color schemes to be used on signage, vehicle livery, employee uniforms, etc.  These will be initially reviewed by the Steering Committee which will likely result in some names/logos being modified or removed from the list.  The Steering Committee will provide the contractor with a list of local officials and other transit stakeholders to whom the brand names and logos will be presented for comment.  The selected firm will also conduct two focus groups with transit users (one in the Middletown area and one in the shoreline area) to elicit reaction to the possible names and logos.  ETD will select the focus group participants and, if needed, provide meeting rooms.  Following these steps, the contractor will refine the list of possible brand names, logos, logotypes, and color schemes, and present three to five options to the Steering Committee.  ETD intends that the Steering Committee will make a final recommendation for adoption by the full ETD Board of Directors.

Task 3:  Produce Artwork and Trademark for the Selected Brand Name and Logo

The contractor will produce artwork to be used by ETD in placing the selected brand name, logo, logotype, and color scheme (as appropriate) in all of the places identified in Task 1 (except website which will be addressed in a separate task).  The contractor will obtain a trademark for the selected brand name and logo.

Task 4: Produce Implementation Timeline and Estimated Cost

Working with the Steering Committee, the contractor will document the strategy for presenting the new branding to State and local officials, other agencies, and the riding public.  The contractor will develop a timeline for ETD to implement all elements of the new branding and provide ETD with an estimate of the cost to produce each element (e.g., estimated cost to replace signage at facilities and bus stops, estimated cost to re-print brochures and schedules, etc.).   (NOTE: Actual production of branding elements, except the new website under Task 5, is not part of this engagement.)

Task 5:  Design and Populate a New Website for ETD

The contractor will design and populate a new website for ETD, incorporating all of the functionality of the existing MAT and ETD websites, but reflecting the new branding.  The website must meet all applicable accessibility standards and be translated into Spanish (auto translators such as Google Translate are not acceptable).

Task 6: Marketing Plan

The contractor will develop a year short-term and medium-term marketing plan for the district.  The plan will include a marketing strategy for building the new brand in the short-term.


Communications in connection with this RFP shall be in writing and shall be addressed to Mutez Ennab, Estuary Transit District, 91 N Main St, Middletown, CT 06457 or  Deadline is March 17.

Agencies to consider include MWWPR and Zeno Group.

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