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Marketing RFP Issued By Texas A&M University-San Antonio 

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A&M San Antonio is  seeking  an innovative  marketing  agency to help  develop  and launch  a  new enrollment  marketing  campaign  and will  execute  and  oversee  an integrated,  multi-year  digital  advertising placement. Working  with University Marketing  &  Enrollment  Management  leaders,  the  agency will  create  an  entirely new  enrollment  campaign  to  be  integrated  with current  marketing  and  branding initiatives. The  new  campaign  must  be  ready to  go live  by  September  1, 2022.  In addition  to creating  assets  for the  enrollment  marketing  campaign,  the  selected  vendor  will  provide strategic  counsel  and will  secure  digital  advertising  placements  to generate  cost-effective,  quality leads  and inquiries,  which will  align  with the  University’s  strategic  enrollment  goals. 


In May  2009, the  Texas  Legislature  signed Senate  Bill  629, which established  A&M-SA  as  a standalone  institution.  Since  2009, the  University has  evolved  from  an upper-division  institution to  a  comprehensive  four-year  public  university. A&M-San Antonio is  the  first-ever  four-year  university on the  southside  of San Antonio and has  already had  a  major  impact  on the  city’s  southside–and  within  San Antonio  and its surrounding communities,  providing  access  to quality  education  while  becoming  a  catalyst  for regional  growth – with  countless  stories  of the  students, graduates,  faculty and  staff who are  on a  mission  to discover,  inspire, lead  and create.  As  a  relatively young  and  still  growing institution,  there  is  excitement  about  the  next  phase  of A&M-SA’s  evolution. Between  May 2009 and Fall  2018, the  University’s  enrollment  grew  more  than  180 percent.  As of Fall  2021, the  University reached  its  highest  overall  enrollment  ever  with about  7,000 total enrollment  (including  undergraduate  and graduate  students.) Additionally,  A&M-San Antonio has  graduated  more  than 14,000 alumni  throughout  its  history. As  a  federally designated  Hispanic  Serving Institution,  A&M-San Antonio  is  committed  to creating  a  diverse  and  inclusive  community of higher  learning.  The  student  body  is  65 percent female,  77 percent  Hispanic,  and  nearly 3 out  of 4 students  are  the  first  in  their  families  to attend college. Through  the  University’s  33 undergraduate  degrees  and 16 graduate  degrees, students  can pursue  a  wide  variety of in-demand  fields,  such  as  education,  business, information  technology and  cyber  security,  criminology and  biology. 


Texas  A&M University-San  Antonio  is  seeking  an  experienced  contractor  that  will  develop  an  innovative  strategy and  creative  assets  to  support  the  launch  of  a  new  enrollment  marketing  campaign. The  campaign  must  align  with  current  University  branding  standards  while  also  being  distinctive  and  innovative  to stand  out  among  a  crowded  higher  education  marketplace.  With  a  new  enrollment  campaign,  the  University  aims  to continue  to  elevate  the  reputation  of  A&M-San  Antonio  among  its  target  audiences–  in  the  San  Antonio  designated market  area  (DMA)  and  key  geographic  areas  including  South  Texas,  DFW,  Austin,  El  Paso  and  Houston. In  addition  to  providing  the  new  creative  direction  and  assets  needed  to  launch  this  campaign,  the  contractor  will also  provide  a  comprehensive  advertising  strategy  (focused  on  digital  channels)  and  will  execute  the  plan  from  start to  finish  including  ongoing  evaluation  of  strategy  and  tactics.  As  outlined  in  the  strategy,  the  vendor  will  handle media  buys  and  placements  on  behalf  of  the  University. 


Attention: Christopher L. Scott Director of Procurement & HUB Services TheTexas A&M University–San Antonio One University Way, Modular Building 111San Antonio, Texas 78224 


2:00 p.m. Central Time on March  04 2022 

All questions must be sent my email to: 

Christopher L. Scott, Director of Procurement & HUBServices

Relevant agencies to consider include Ruder Finn.  

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