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DUE DATE: 9/26/23 11AM


The County of Sussex (hereafter “County”) is located in northwest New Jersey and is the northernmost county in the State. Sussex County Government is comprised of eight departments serving a population of more than 140,000 residents throughout 24 municipalities.


The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified organizations to provide a multi-pronged communication approach to increase awareness of opioid and substance abuse treatment and support available to community members.

The intent is to identify consultants who can achieve the overarching goal of this RFP, including:

• Produce advertising creative

o Develop material for partner organizations to disseminate key messaging and develop material for advertising (specs to be provided by County).

• Design partner materials (targeted communications on opioid use prevention and treatment

in the County)

• Recruit and activate 10-15 social media influencers

o In addition, work with micro-influencers who hold particularly high influence in social networks within the target geographic region.

The County is seeking proposals that address the above range of needs and may award to more than one (1) Respondent to accomplish said goals.

Proposals shall outline a clear framework for service delivery, including procedures, staff qualifications and training, and evidence-based practices.

General Specifications

Budget: The allotted budget for this project is an estimated $60,000.00 to $80,000.00 per contract


Duration: The initial term will be January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

Target Audience: Programs should cater to all age groups in the County, with specialized programs for adolescents.

Required Services

The selected vendor will be tasked with the following:

a) Advertising

a. Creation of campaigns with specifics on targeted demographics, as well as the individual goals and objectives of each campaign.

b. All advertising shall require County approval before distribution to partner organizations. County to provide guidelines on campaigns.

b) Materials

a. Communication pieces that increase awareness of the available options for treatment and support options in the County.

c) Influencers

a. Identification of influencers that meet geographic, demographic, and audience reach.

b. Collaboration with County on creation of messages to be disseminated.

c. Approval by County of individuals/organizations to ensure participation of influencers that meet the County’s expectations on directives, themes, and character.


The engaged agency or professional is expected to achieve:

• A clear and universal message from the County.

• An increased awareness of treatment, support and services that are available.

• Regular reports indicating the progress and effectiveness of the campaigns.

Proposal Deliverables

Prospective partners should provide a proposal that includes:

• A comprehensive plan of action for the formulation of materials, advertisements, and social media contention.

• Projected timeline for the duration of the program; specific details on Years One (1) and Two (2) with projected broad outlines for Years Three (3), Four (4), and Five (5).

• Detailed budget allocation and a thorough budget narrative justifying the costs.

• Clear, measurable outcomes and methodologies for their evaluation.

• Past experiences or case studies indicating effectiveness in similar projects.

• Credentials of the team that will be undertaking this endeavor.

• Program outline shall include staff size as well as summaries in clear and concise language in order to be evaluated by non-medical professionals and for public observation.
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