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Marketing RFP Issued By The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Nevada Wildlife Alliance Mountain Lions edited 6 12 18

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is soliciting for a vendor to provide marketing assistance with their Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) program with targeted media marketing, including radio, print, and internet advertising geographically targeted to Page, Arizona and Lake Powell area residents and visitors


Successful contractor will execute a specific advertising plan in the Page, Arizona/ Wahweap, Lake Powell area to inform and educate the public about the programs, state laws and necessity of prevention and containment of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) at Lake Powell. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) in consultation with the contractor will provide content and information to be included in each type of media advertising. Contractor will, with input from the UDWR, develop specific wording for radio ads, design of internet banner ad, design, content and information for full page ad in Visitor’s Guide and other specifics to be included in each type of media advertising

Scope of Work:

The CONTRACTOR shall complete the following work for the first year of the contract: Develop an advertising plan that should include the following minimum activities: A) Provide the following radio advertisements on three AM and FM stations receivable by the general public in the Page, Arizona and Lake Powell, Wahweap marina areas. 1) Provide a total of 280 radio spots, each 30 seconds in duration, from April 2022 through October 2022. 2) Provide 15 second Weather Tag radio spots that will air every hour with the Weather Forecast for 3 days during March, May and June and for 2 days during April, July, August, September and October and 1 day in November. 3) Provide 15 second radio ads that air 4 times daily during the months of April and August. 4) Provide 30 second ads that air during local newscasts at least 2 times during weekdays each month during the months of March, June and September. This ad shall include a website banner on 5) Provide ads for 10 daily 20 second radio spots for 10 days per month airing on every other Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday during the months of May and October. 6) Air one interview of 15 – 20 minutes with a UDWR AIS Biologist during the radio station’s Monday morning kickoff show during the months of April, May and August to inform recreationists of the UDWR Local Boater Program and other AIS information at Lake Powell.

Clips of the interview will run randomly through that week. B) Print media ads 1) Provide a full-page advertisement in the Lake Powell Visitors Guide, a free publication providing information about Lake Powell attractions, from March through August. C) Internet ads 

Due Date: 12/1/2021


Relevant agencies to consider include Ruder Finn and Rubenstein PR.

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