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Media RFP Issued By California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA)

Marketing RFP Issues For Visit California In Mexico

The California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA), a Joint Powers Authority, is an independent government agency created by California Counties and Cities, focused on the efficient delivery of California mental health projects for its Members. CalMHSA works collaboratively with the Member Counties/Cities to implement mental health services, projects, and educational programs across the state. This RFP is specific to Los Angeles County and CalMHSA will be the administrator for this contract. The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) component was designed to improve the awareness of and access to, mental health services, reduce the negative impacts that mental illness can have on a person’s wellbeing, reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and help-seeking, and suicide prevention.

Project Overview

CalMHSA on behalf of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) is seeking proposals from Los Angeles based organizations with a history of developing social marketing campaigns and media buys that reach ethnic, racial, and culturally diverse communities, also known as the global majority. Interested organizations may submit proposals for the following two areas of focus:

Component 1 – Social Marketing Campaign Development: 

Development of a new social marketing campaign that informs and connects Los Angeles County’s 10 million residents to mental health services. The new campaign will build off previously developed campaigns and messages deployed by LACDMH. This component will be funded at $500,000. Awardee must collaborate with awardee of Component 2 – Media Buy Plan Development and Deployment.

The goals of the social marketing campaign are:

§ Strategically reach intended target populations;

§ Reduce stigma and discrimination associated with mental health;

§ Increased awareness of both the signs of suicide and how to prevent suicide;

§ Increase messages that support and encourage access to mental health care, including reduced disparities for underserved communities;

§ Increase equity-based messages that increase access to mental health care, including communications in Los Angeles County’s 14 threshold languages;

§ Increased understanding of the intersectionality between mental health and the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH);

§ Increase the coordination between marketing strategies deployed at the state and county level;

§ Develop creative artwork and scripts to support the Media Buy Plan in component 2 below;

§ Develop on an on-going basis, sometimes on short notice, creative materials for events and campaigns as needed to support LACDMH outreach programs managed by CalMHSA.

Component 2 – Media Buy Plan Development and Deployment:

Identifying and securing media buys that effectively reach Los Angeles County’s ethnic, racial, and culturally diverse communities. The media buy plan should include culturally specific print, broadcast, digital, and community-based deployment of the newly developed campaign referenced above. Messaging must include Los Angeles County’s 14 threshold languages. Awardee must collaborate with awardee of Component 1 – Social Marketing Campaign Development. Proposers must submit a recommended budget for this Component.

The goals of the media buy plan are:

§ Reach intended target populations, using unique and innovative platforms when appropriate;

§ Increase culturally congruent media messages through strategic media buys;

§ Increase value-added opportunities for culturally congruent messages and media buys;

§ Track and improve quality of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) including KPI reporting to LACDMH and CalMHSA on a monthly basis;

§ Work with CalMHSA’s campaign evaluation contractor, responding to requests for information in a timely manner;

§ Increase access to and/or awareness of services and programs funded by LACDMH.

Submittal Address

Please upload your electronic proposals to CalMHSA’s e-Procurement Portal:

Deadline is February 17 

Agencies to consider include Rubenstein PR and Alison Brod PR.

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