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Media RFP Issued By The Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe

Please submit your quote by email to:  no later than Thursday, August 29th by close of business day (5:00PM EST.).

1. General Information

The Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe (“the Coalition”), a Florida not-for-profit corporation, is soliciting quotes for Consultant for Outreach Media.

In order to select a vendor, the Coalition will request a quote for services based on the

specifications listed in Attachment A. All quotes received will be evaluated based on experience and qualifications.

The selected vendor will be required to enter into an agreement with the Coalition to guarantee the specifications listed, as well as to ensure adherence to all applicable state and/or federal laws.

2. Inquiries

All questions regarding this RFQ must be forwarded in writing by email to the RFQ email listed below on or before Tuesday, August 21st, 2024, by close of business day (5:00PM EST.).


1.1 General Statement of Services to be Provided

The Early Learning Coalition is engaging the Consultant to perform Public Awareness and Outreach Campaign Services in Monroe County and to effectively advance the progress of

The Early Learning

Coalition’s Board of Directors’ Strategic Plan, specifically Priority Initiative Educate All “Visibility”. The objective of this initiative is to achieve increased visibility throughout Miami‐Dade and Monroe County by creating a broad range of strategies to provide information on services provided by The Early Learning Coalition.

The Proposer shall develop services to enhance the public awareness of School Readiness, Voluntary Prekindergarten (“VPK”), and Child Care Executive Partnership (“CCEP”) programs administered by The Early Learning Coalition.

1.2 Introduction:

The Early Learning Coalition of Miami‐Dade/Monroe is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring early care and education for children in Miami‐Dade and Monroe counties. Created in 1999, the Early Learning Coalition is one of 30 like agencies that serve all 67 counties in the state of Florida and distributes both the Federal Child Care and

Development Block Grant (“CCDBG”) and State based VPK dollars to a diverse group of childcare providers. Through a variety of affordable and innovative early education and

voluntary pre‐kindergarten programs, the Early Learning Coalition serves more than 50,000 children from birth to 12 years old and their families with a budget of approximately 240 million.

1.3 Mission:

The Early Learning Coalition’s mission is to promote high‐quality school readiness, Early Head Start, voluntary pre‐kindergarten and after school programs, that further the physical, social, emotional and intellectual well‐being of Miami‐Dade and Monroe children, with a priority toward ages from birth through age five.

1.4 Specifications:

A. Services to be Rendered:

(1) Facilitate strategic public awareness and outreach campaigns to maximize exposure for

the Early Learning Coalition’s services in the local communities of Monroe County.

(2) Build and expand on the broad range of new and emerging media strategies and

technology to reach and educate Early Learning Coalition clients, potential clients, and

local communities about the positive impact of early education and quality child care.

(3) Identify appropriate industry social media benchmarks; determine ELC’s baseline

measures against benchmarks; create strategy and training to grow baseline by agreed

upon percentage during contract period.

Attachment A

(4) Identify avenues to expand the outreach related to ELC services in Monroe County. This

will include creation and distribution of key messaging during the Monroe Children First

Conference and major community events in the Upper, Middle and Lower Keys’


(5) Develop and implement a comprehensive media campaign to publicize and promote the

annual Children First Conference, to include sponsorship opportunities and strategies to

increase attendance.

(6) Implement strategies to target and reach Monroe County’s diverse populations and

underserved communities. Include culturally and linguistically effective messaging.

(7) Implement strategies to brand the Early Learning Coalition as a recognized and reliable

source of information on issues related to children ages birth to 5 years old, residing in

Monroe County.

(8) Consult on media strategy and implementation with the Early Learning Coalition’s

Executive Leadership team and key staff members.

(9) Work with various media outlets to pitch and develop stories.

(10) Provide technical assistance with arranging and coordinating local media coverage

including interviews and appearances.

(11) Train key Early Learning Coalition spokespersons.

(12) Develop media collateral such as press kits for distribution.

(13) Assist in the creation of program outreach material.

(14) Identify additional public relations opportunities within the designated budget.

1.5 Budget:

The total estimated budget for this RFQ will not exceed the amount of $34,500.00.

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